Page 238 - Libro vascular I
P. 238
Page numbers in italic print refer to illustrations.
Abdominal aorta
anatomy 146
aneurysms see Aneurysms
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) 145, 146
Absorption 11
Acoustic impedance 9
Acute ischemia 117–18, 135 Adventitia 50
color flow imaging 41–2 pulsed Doppler 31–3 velocity measurement 71
Amaurosis fugax 88
Ambulatory venous pressure 61–2 Amplification 13–14
Aneur ysms
distance from renal arteries 154 endovascular repair 1, 148–9,
154–7 measurements 152–4
scanning 149–50, 154
shapes and types 149 symptoms 146–7
ultrasound appearance 150–2
carotid 105
definition 145–6 dissecting 146, 149, 151 false see False aneurysms femoral artery 158
grafts 218
iliac 157
inflammatory 151
leakage 147
open repair 147–8 pathology 146 popliteal 157–8 reporting 160 rupture 147
saccular 149 subclavian artery 140 upper limbs 142
Angiography, carotid artery disease 1, 85, 97, 98, 107
Angioplasty 2–3, 98, 117, 135, 210 Angle of insonation
color flow image 39–41, 79 Doppler shift 25, 33 velocity measurements
errors in 67–8
for estimating 69–70 Ankle–brachial pressure index (ABPI)
venous ulceration 171
Anterior cerebral artery (ACA) 86 Anterior tibial (AT) artery 113
grafts 212
scanning 122–3
Anterior tibial (AT) vein 164
scanning 194 Anterolateral vein 167 Anticoagulation 191 Aorta
anatomy 111–12, 146 aneurysms see Aneurysms diameter measurement 152–4
Aortic bifurcation anatomy 111–12 obstruction 117
scanning 120 Aortobifemoral grafts 208, 209
scanning 213
surveillance 210 Aortoiliac arteries, assessment
Arm vein mapping 222
color imaging 80–1 imaging 76–8 refraction 10, 77 spectral Doppler 81
see also individual arteries bifurcating 13
disease 2–3
emboli see Emboli
flow profiles 53–8
stents 98, 116, 129, 157 structure 50
thrombosis 117
variable vessel diameter 71
Arteriography see Angiography Arterioles 50, 52
Arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) 142–3,
Arteriovenous malformations 139,
205 Asymptomatic Carotid
Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS)
Atheroma 93, 94, 100, 103–4, 124 Atherosclerosis 2, 116
Attachment site endoleaks 156 Attenuation 11–12 Autocorrelation detection 37
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