Page 239 - Libro vascular I
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 Axial resolution 19, 45 Axillary artery
anatomy 134 aneurysms 135 dissection 138
false aneurysms 142 obstruction 133 scanning 136–7
Axillary vein 203 assessing 204 thrombosis 203
Axillobifemoral grafts 209, 213
B-mode imaging 12–13 controls 76
Back-scatter 26, 35–6
contrast agents 46, 47
power Doppler imaging 45–6
Baker’s cysts 158, 201–2 Basilar artery 86
Basilic vein
anatomy 203
assessment for bypass graft 222 Beam
angle 10, 17 focusing 18–19 shape 9, 16–17 steering 17, 39, 40
Bernoulli’s law 50–1, 52 Bicuspid valves 60 Blood 26
Blood flow 49–62
Doppler effect 24–5 enhanced imaging 46–7 mechanism 50–1 profiles 53–8
around curves in a vessel 57–9 blunt 53, 58, 64
disturbed 53
Doppler spectrum 63–4 hyperemic 55, 103, 125, 186 laminar 53, 59
monophasic 55–6 parabolic 53, 57, 64 pulsatile 54–6
through stenosis 58–60 turbulent 53, 59–60, 64 venous 60–2
resistance to 51–2 reversal 54–5, 113
at bifurcations and branches 56–7
true 41, 42
venous 60
vertebral arteries 103
velocity see Velocity
vertebral arteries 103
volume flow measurement 70–2
Blood vessels
see also Arteries; Veins diameter measurement 70–2 imaging tortuous 40 structure of walls 49–50
Blood–tissue discrimination 38 Boyd’s perforator 166
Brachial artery
anatomy 134 dissection 138
false aneurysms 142 obstruction 133 scanning 137
Brachial vein anatomy 202–3 assessing 204
Brachiocephalic bifurcation, pulsatile swelling 105
Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery 86
British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) 82
Buerger’s disease 129 Bursa 201
Bypass grafts see Grafts
Calcified atheroma 103–4, 124 Calf compression 172
Calf muscle pump 61–2
Calf perforators 184
Calf veins
scanning 194 thrombosis 191
Calliper velocity calibration 71 Capillaries 50
Cardiac cycle, blood flow 60 Carotid arteries
anatomy 86
diseases see Carotid artery disease dissection 78, 105, 106 postoperative and post-angioplasty
appearance 105 scanning 79, 80
tortuous 41, 104 Carotid artery disease
angiography 85, 97, 98, 107 asymptomatic 88
atheroma 93, 94, 100, 103–4,
B-mode imaging 93–5
collateral pathways 86–7 color imaging 95–6
compound imaging 18 grading 97–8
combining scan information 102–3
imaging 98–100
spectral Doppler 100–2 non-atheromatous 105–6 problems encountered in imaging
103–4 reporting 107
resistance to flow 52 scanning
objectives and preparation 88–9
techniques 89–93 spectral Doppler 96–7 stroke 85
surgery see Carotid
endarterectomy symptoms 88
treatment 98 Carotid artery stenosis
aliasing and flow reversal 42 color imaging 95–6
grading 97–102
spectral Doppler waveforms 96–7 symptoms 88
ultrasound scan 2 Carotid bifurcation 105 blood flow profile 56
calcified plaque 103
color image 91
longitudinal B-mode image 90 pulsatile swelling 105
Carotid body tumours 105–6 Carotid bruit 88
Carotid bulb 41, 86
Carotid endarterectomy 3, 85, 98, 106
atheroma 93, 94
postoperative appearance 105 Carotid siphon 86
Cavitation 82, 83
Celiac axis 146
Cellulitis 201 Cephalic vein 203
assessment for bypass graft 222 Cervical ribs 139, 140
Circle of Willis
anatomy 86
collateral pathways 86–7 Claudication 116, 210
Clutter filter 39, 43
Collateral endoleaks 155 Color box angle/size 79–80 Color Doppler controls 78–80 Color flow imaging 2, 35–47
aliasing 41–2
angle of insonation 39–41

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