Page 241 - Libro vascular I
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Fasciotomy 117
Fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) 28,
36 Femoral artery
see also Common femoral artery; Superficial femoral artery
false aneurysms 146 scanning 159–60 treatment 160
idealized pressure waveforms 54 scanning 120–2
transverse image 193
true aneurysms 158
Femoral bifurcation B-mode image 124 color flow image 126 obstruction 117
Femorodistal bypass graft
color image 214 preoperative assessment 123 stenoses 216, 217
vein grafts 208 Femorofemoral cross-over grafts
209, 213
Femoropopliteal grafts 208, 213 Flash filter 38
Fluid collections, around grafts 220 Fluid energy 50–1
Focal zone settings 76
Focusing 18–19
Frame rate 13, 43–4 Frame-averaging 38, 46
Frequency 6
color imaging 41 harmonic 47
pulsed ultrasound 8–9 resonant 7
spectrum 8–9
Gain control 13–14, 65 optimizing 76
Ganglions 142 Gangrene 116 Gastrocnemius vein 164 Ghost images 77, 80, 81 Giacomini vein 167
incompetent 185
scanning 181 Grafts
anatomy 208–9
aneurysms 218
aortobifemoral see Aortobifemoral
arteriovenous fistulas 219–20 axillobifemoral 209, 213
B-mode images 213–14
color doppler images 214–15 commonly encountered problems
218 endovascular 148, 156
entrapments 219
failure 210–11, 217–18 femorodistal see Femorodistal
bypass graft femorofemoral cross-over 209,
213 femoropopliteal 208, 213 fluid collections 220 hemodialysis access grafts
iliofemoral cross-over 208, 209,
210, 213 infection 210, 220
occlusions 210–11, 217–18 reporting 220–1
practical considerations 211
techniques 211–13 seromas 220
spectral Doppler waveforms
215–17 stenoses
grading 216–17 symptoms and treatment
surveillance, purpose of 209–11
vein grafts see Vein grafts
vein mapping 221–3
Grating lobes 77
Gravitational potential energy 50–1 Gray-scale maps 15
Harmonic imaging 46–7, 76 Hematomas 151, 200 Hemiparesis 88
Hemodialysis access grafts 142–3 Heparin 191
Hertz 6
High-pass filters 27, 39, 43
settings 65, 71 Hydrostatic pressure 61, 113 Hyperabduction test 140
Iliac artery
see also Common iliac artery;
Internal iliac artery aneurysms 157
bifurcation 111–12
disease 126, 129 Iliac veins
compression during pregnancy 198
investigation 198
scanning 195
Iliofemoral cross-over grafts 208,
209, 210, 213
Image processing curves 14–15 Image resolution 19–21, 71
In situ technique 208–9, 211–12,
Infection control 83
grafts 210, 220 Innominate artery 86 Insonation
angle of see Angle of insonation
non-uniform 64 Intensity, of ultrasound 82 Internal carotid artery (ICA)
anatomy 86
carotid body tumour 105–6 color image 96
Doppler frequency detection 40 high resistance waveform 97 peak systolic velocity 100
power Doppler image 45 reverse flow 56
spectral Doppler 91–2
tortuous 58, 104
transverse B-mode image 89–90
Internal iliac artery 112, 113 Internal iliac vein 165 Internal jugular vein 203 Intima 50
Intrinsic spectral broadening (ISB) 65–6, 100
Ipsilateral carotid artery 88 Ipsilateral vertebral artery 138 Ischemia
lower limbs 116–18 upper limbs 135
Jugular vein
Doppler waveform 60 transverse B-mode image 90
Kinetic energy 50, 51 Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS)