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 Pulsed Doppler ultrasound 7–8, 29–31
frequency content of pulses 8–9 limitations 33
Radial artery
anatomy 134 dissection 138
false aneurysms 142 scanning 137
Range ambiguity 77
Range gate 30
Raynaud’s phenomenon 143 Reflections, multiple 77, 80
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RDS)
143 Refraction 10, 77
Region of interest (ROI) 35, 43, 44 Renal arteries 146, 154
Repetitive strain injury 82 Resistance index (RI) 72 Resolution 19–21, 71
color flow imaging 44–5 Respiration, venous flow 60–1 Reverberation artefacts 77 Reversed vein grafts 209, 213 Reynolds number 59
Right heart agents 45–6
Saddle embolus 117
Safety 82–3
Sample volume (sensitive region) 30
size 64–5, 81
Saphenofemoral junction 118, 166
assessment 172, 177 incompetence 173, 174 incomplete ligation of 182–3
Saphenopopliteal junction color flow image 173 incomplete ligation 184–5 scanning 180, 181
Saphenous compartment 165–6 Scanners
color flow imaging 37–9
volume flow measurement 70 Scattering 11
Secondary varicose veins 184 Sensitive region see Sample volume Sensitivity, color flow imaging
Sensitivity of diagnostic test 227–8 Seromas 220
Short saphenous vein (SSV) anatomy 165, 166, 167 assessment 178–81 incompetence 169, 173, 184 ligation 170
recurrences 184–5
thrombophlebitis 200 Slice thickness 19
Soleal veins
anatomy 164
scanning 194–5 Sound
speed of 6–7
waves 5–7
Spatial pulse average intensity 82 Specificity 227–8
Spectral broadening 64, 72
intrinsic 65–6, 100
Spectral Doppler analysis 2, 27–9
optimization 81 Spectrum analyser 26, 27 Specular reflection 9, 11 Spider veins 169 Stenoses
blood flow profiles 58–60 carotid artery see Carotid artery
stenoses common iliac artery 2
hemodynamically significant 52 trickle flow 53
velocity changes 52–3
velocity ratios 67
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 89 Stroke 85, 88, 98
Subclavian artery (SA)
anatomy 86, 133–4 aneurysms 135, 140
color flow image 142 compression (thoracic outlet
syndrome) 139–42 mirror image 80, 81 occlusions 138, 142
scanning 136–7, 141 Subclavian steal syndrome 87, 88 Subclavian vein 203
assessing 204 compression 204 thrombosis 203
Superficial femoral artery (SFA) anatomy 113, 118 assessment 121
atheroma 124
color flow images
forward and reverse flow 55 high velocity 54
hyperemic flow 186 occlusions 121, 125, 126 stenosis 125
velocity waveform 54 Superficial femoral vein
anatomy 118, 164 B-mode images 199 competence 172–3 duplicated (bifid) 168 hyperemic flow 186 scanning 194
Superficial venous reflux, grading 173–6
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) 146
see also Carotid endarterectomy aortic aneurysm repair 147–9
Synthetic grafts 209
B-mode images 214
color Doppler images 215 scanning 213
surveillance 210
Test objects 20, 66 Thermal index (TI) 82–3 Thigh perforators 184 Thoracic outlet
anatomy 139, 140
assessment 136
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
duplex assessment 141–2 maneuvers for assessing 140–1
Thread veins 170 Thrombophlebitis 186, 200
Tibial arteries, assessment 122–3 Tibioperoneal trunk 113, 212 Time averaged velocity 71–2
Time gain compensation (TGC) 14 Time-domain processing 37
Tissue harmonic imaging (THI)
Tissue heating 83
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound 106–7
Transducers 7
broad-band 7, 22, 47, 89 curvilinear array 16, 40, 79 designs and beam forming 15–17 infection control 83
linear array 15–16, 33, 39, 65–6,
68, 79, 89 phased array 17, 33, 40
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) 88 Transverse wave 5
Treadmills 115–16
‘Trickle flow’ 53

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