Page 244 - Libro vascular I
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Index.qxd 29~8~04 15:03 Page 235
optimizing angle of insonation 69–70
sources of errors 67–9, 70
using duplex ultrasound 33 ratio measurements 67, 69,
127–8 Velocity estimator 39
Vena cava 60, 165, 168 scanning 195
Vena caval filters 191 Venography 191
Venous hemangioma 187 Venous hypertension 170 Venous reflux, grading 173–6 Venous ulceration 170–1
assessment of patients 185–6 Vertebral arteries
anatomy 86
blood flow 103 collateral flow 87 color flow image 93 disease
reverse flow 103
symptoms 88
subclavian steal syndrome 87
Vibration white finger disease 143 Visuospatial neglect 88
Volume flow measurement 70–2
Wall thumps 27, 71 Warfarin 191
Waveform analysis 72–3 Wavelength 6
World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
(WFUMB) 82
UK Small Aneurysm Trial Participants 147
Ulceration 116 Ulnar artery
anatomy 134
scanning 137 Ultrasound
amplification 13–14 developments in technology 1 energy loss (attenuation) 11–12 generation of ultrasound waves
image production 12–13 intensity 82
interaction with surfaces 9–11 nature of 5–7
safety 82–3
speed of 6–7
Upper limbs arterial disease
aneurysms 142
arteriovenous fistulas 142–3 collateral pathways 135
duplex assessment 135–6 hemodialysis access grafts 142–3 other disorders 143
reporting 143
scanning techniques 136–8 symptoms and treatment
thoracic outlet syndrome
ultrasound appearance 138–9
arterial system 133–5 venous disorders 204–5
thrombosis 203–4 venous system 202–3
Valsalva maneuver 172–3 Valves 168–9
abnormal venous flow 62 assessing 172–3
congenital valve aplasia 169
Valvulotome 208 Variance 39 Varicose ulcers 171 Varicose veins 164
B-mode appearance 181–2 causes 169–70
duplex scanning 171–2 investigation of recurrent 182–5 treatment 170
Vein cuffs 214 Vein grafts 208–9
B-mode images 213–14
color Doppler images 214–15 failure 209
scanning 211–13
stenosis 209, 210, 214 surveillance 209–10 waveform shapes 215–16
see also individual veins
blood flow 60–2
mapping for bypass surgery
221–3 structure 50
varicose see Varicose veins Velocity 27–8
changes within stenoses 52–3 low velocity flow 42–3 measurements
color flow imaging 36–7 conversion from Doppler
frequencies 66–7