Page 242 - Libro vascular I
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Lateral resolution 19, 45 Left heart agents 47 Line density
B-mode imaging 13
color flow imaging 43 Lipodermatosclerosis 170–1 Long saphenous vein (LSV)
anatomy 165, 166 assessment
for bypass graft 221–2
for reflux 177–8 duplicated 168
grafts 208
high-volume spontaneous flow
ligation 170
thrombophlebitis 200
varicose veins 169, 182–4, 185
Low velocity flow 42–3, 78–9 Lower limbs
arterial disease
ankle–brachial pressure index
113–16 arterial stents 129
B-mode images 124–5 collateral pathways 113 diabetes 115, 124 duplex scanning 118–24 intermittent claudication
116 ischemia 116–18
other abnormalities and syndromes 129–30
reporting 130
spectral Doppler 126–9 arterial system 111–13 color flow images 125–6 deep venous system 164–5 edema 201
hematomas 200 venous disorders 164
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome 186–7
reporting 186, 187
skin changes 170–1 superficial thrombophlebitis
treatment of superficial 170 ulcers see Venous ulceration varicose veins see Varicose veins venous hemangioma 187
venous reflux 173–6 venous system 164–9
anatomical variations 168 flow patterns 169 scanning 171–2
scanning protocol 176–82
valves see Valves
Lymph nodes, enlargement 202 Lymphedema 200–1
M-mode (motion mode) 12 Magnetic resonance angiography
(MRA) 1, 85
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
1, 192
Maximum peak systolic velocity 67 Mean velocity, measuring 67 Mechanical index 82–3
Media 50
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) 220 Microemboli 117–18
Microvascular disorders 143 Middle cerebral artery (MCA) 86 Mirror image artefacts 77, 80, 81 Monoparesis 88
Moving string test object 66 Multiple zone focusing 18 Muscular arteries 50
Neck injury 88
Neovascularization 184
Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
139–40 Noise 71–2
North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators (NASCET) 97, 98, 100
Nyquist frequency 32
Occupational hazards 82 Ophthalmic artery 86
Palmar arch 134 scanning 138
Parallel beam forming 19
Patients, examination of 76, 185–6 Peak systolic velocity (PSV) ratio
100, 127–8 Penetration depth 14, 19, 21
Percutaneous balloon angioplasty 2–3, 98, 117, 135, 210
Perforators 166
B-mode appearance 181–2 incompetent 185
recurrent varicose veins 184
Peroneal artery 113, 123 Peroneal vein
anatomy 164
scanning 193, 194
Persistence 44
Phase shift 37
Phlebitis 204–5
Piezoelectric effect 7
Plantar arch, preoperative assessment
Plantar arteries 113
Poiseuille’s law 51–2 Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) grafts
148, 209, 213, 214 Popliteal aneurysms 146, 157–8 Popliteal artery
anatomy 113
cystic adventitial disease 130 occlusions 125
scanning 120–2
Popliteal entrapment syndrome 129–30
Popliteal fossa 113, 167 diffuse varicosities 185
Popliteal vein anatomy 164, 167 assessment 178 duplicated 168 incompetence 173 scanning 194 thrombi 190
Post-processing 38
Posterior tibial (PT) artery 113
scanning 79, 123 Posterior tibial vein
anatomy 164
scanning 193, 194 Posteromedial vein 167
Posture 61–2
Pourcelot’s resistance index 72 Power Doppler imaging 45–6 Pressure energy 50, 51
Profunda femoris artery 112–13,
118, 120
Profunda femoris vein 118, 164, 168 Pulmonar y embolism (PE) 189, 190 Pulsatile swelling 105, 142 Pulsatility index (PI) 72
Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) 30,
32, 33, 41, 42–3, 44, 49, 65 optimizing 78–9
Pulse wave velocity 72–3

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