Page 19 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 19

The Story Behind the Carol                                        Bible Verse:

                                                                            Isaiah 9:6-7

      This   carol   is   also   known   as,   Glory   to   the   Newborn
      King.   Most   of   the   text   describes   the   birth   of   Jesus
      (Luke   2),   however;   the   “Wonderful   Child”   comes
                                                                 “For   a   child   has   been   born   for   us,   a   son
      from  the  Isaiah  text  above.    Although  this  carol  was
                                                                 given   to   us;   authority   rests   upon   his
      listed   as,   “African-American   Traditional”,   for   the
                                                                 shoulders;and   he   is   named   Wonderful
      typical   rhythmic   scheme   and   repetitive   use   of   the
                                                                 Counselor,   Mighty    God,   Everlasting
      text,   it   is   now   acknowledged   to   be   composed   by
                                                                 Father,  Prince  of  Peace.His  authority  shall
      Margarett   Wills   Allison,   who   was   the   founder   and
                                                                 grow   continually,   and   there   shall   be
      leader of the popular black gospel group, the Angelic
                                                                 endless   peace   for   the   throne   of   David   and
      Gospel   Singers.   There   are   not   many   African-
                                                                 his kingdom.    He  will  establish  and  uphold
      American  carols  that  have  been  found  because  most
                                                                 it  with  justice  and  with  righteousness  from
      of   the   spirituals   relate   to   bearing   hardship   during
                                                                 this time onward and forevermore. The zeal
      slavery   or   for   sharing   coded   messages.      Like   the
                                                                 of the Lord of hosts will do this.
      most   popular   African-American   carol,   Go   Tell   It   on
      the   Mountain,   which   became   widely   known   after
      being sung by Peter, Paul, & Mary,  this  carol  found
      its   fame   through   Mariah   Carey’s   performance   in

          African-American Traditional / arr. Mark Hayes
                 Performed by Erin Pfister, vocal
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