Page 23 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 23

The Story Behind the Carol                                        Bible Verse:

                                                                            1 John 4:7-12

      Neither   the   text   writer   nor   the   tune   writer   of   God
      Rest   Ye   Merry,   Gentlemen   is   known.   “Tidings   of
                                                                 Beloved,   let   us   love   one   another,   because
      Comfort   and   Joy”   was   the   title   known   earlier.   The
                                                                 love   is   from   God;   everyone   who   loves   is
      first  publication  was  found  in  1760.  This  was  one  of
                                                                 born  of  God  and  knows  God.  Whoever  does
      the  carols  that  was  removed  from  the  later  hymnals
                                                                 not love does not know God, for God is love.
      across   the   denominations.   It   may   have   been   due   to
                                                                 God’s   love   was   revealed   among   us   in   this
      the   archaic   English   of   the   title   and   the   words.   The
                                                                 way:   God   sent   his   only   Son   into   the   world
      meaning  of  the  title  can  be  translated  in  the  modern
                                                                 so   that   we   might   live   through   him.   In   this
      English   “God   Keep   You   Bountiful,   All!”   Some
                                                                 is   love,   not   that   we   loved   God   but   that   he
      versions   of   this   carol   includes   seven   stanzas,   as   it
                                                                 loved  us  and  sent  his  Son  to  be  the  atoning
      describes   the   Christmas   Story   (Luke   2:1-10),
                                                                 sacrifice   for   our   sins.   Beloved,   since   God
      though   all   finish   with   encouragement   to   share   love
                                                                 loved  us  so  much,  we  also  ought  to  love  one
      and kindness to each other.
                                                                 another.   No   one   has   ever   seen   God;   if   we
                                                                 love   one   another,   God   lives   in   us,   and   his
                                                                 love is perfected in us.

           English Traditional / arr. James Neal Koudelka
            Performed by Kari & Cora Hoeft, vocal duet
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