Page 25 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 25

The Story Behind the Carol                                          Bible Verse:

                                                                           Colossians 3:15-17

     This   carol   was   written   by   Christina   Georgina   Rossetti
     (1830-1894).  She  was  a  prolific  Victorian  poet,  though  she
     didn’t   become   popular   until   after   her   death.   She   was   born
                                                                       And   let   the   peace   of   Christ   rule   in
     into   a   religious   family   and   educated   at   home,   including
                                                                       your  hearts,   to   which   indeed   you   were
     theology.  Her  daily  life  was  centered  with  devotion  (One  of
                                                                       called   in   the   one   body.   And   be
     her   brothers   described   her   “replete   with   spirituality”)   and
                                                                       thankful.   Let   the   word   of   Christ   dwell
     much  of  her  poetry  reflects  a  wide  theme  on  religion.  In the
                                                                       in  you  richly;  teach  and  admonish  one
     Bleak   Midwinter   was   first   published   in   the   American
                                                                       another   in   all   wisdom;   and   with
     monthly   poetry   magazine,   Scriber’s   Monthly,   in   1872.
                                                                       gratitude   in   your   hearts   sing   psalms,
     Unlike  many  carols  which  tell  the  Christmas  Story,  the  text
                                                                       hymns,   and   spiritual   songs   to   God.
     is   set   in   a   rather   dark   scene.   It   might   be   because   she   was
                                                                       And  whatever  you  do,  in  word  or  deed,
     suffering   with   her   illness.   The   last   stanza,   “What   shall   I
                                                                       do   everything   in   the   name   of   the   Lord
     give   him?”   is   a   question   for   all,   but   she   practiced   in   her
                                                                       Jesus,  giving  thanks  to  God  the  Father
     daily   life   by   adjusting   her   life   to   help   her   family   as   they
                                                                       through him.
     suffered   with   their   father's   illness   and   financial   difficulties
     and   also   volunteered   at   a   refuge   center   for   former
     prostitutes   over   decades.   The   melody   of   this   carol   was   set
     by   the   renowned   British   composer   Gustav   Holst   in   1906.
     Three   years   later,   Harold   Darke   set   this   text   in   his   newly
     composed melody published as a choir anthem.

          Composed by Gustav Holst/ arr. Priscilla Hayden-Roy
            Performed by Priscilla Hayden-Roy, vocal & guitar
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