Page 29 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 29
The Story Behind the Carol Bible Verse:
John 19:38-42
John H. Hopkin (Pittsburg 1820- New York 1891) wrote
both the text and the music of this carol. He was a son of
pioneer parents. After their settlement, his father became a
After these things, Joseph of
priest and later the first Episcopal bishop of Vermont. He
Arimathea, who was a disciple of
studied law, poetry, arts, and music. He became the first
Jesus, though a secret one because of
seminary music instructor and later became a priest in his
his fear of the Jews, asked Pilate to let
50’s. He composed many hymns for his churches and
him take away the body of Jesus.
beyond. He wrote this carol to be sung in a Christmas
Pilate gave him permission; so he
Pageant while he was serving as a rector at Christ
came and removed his body.
Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania. Three Kings have been
Nicodemus, who had at first come to
popular roles for boys in pageants as they wear nice
Jesus by night, also came, bringing a
costumes with crowns and each sing a solo as the
mixture of myrrh and aloes, weighing
character. After the Three Kings proudly offer their gifts,
about a hundred pounds. They took the
their role ends as “they left for their own country by
body of Jesus and wrapped it with the
another road.” The gifts from the Wise Men were all
spices in linen cloths, according to the
valuable, yet they were to be used for burials. Although We
burial custom of the Jews. Now there
Three Kings is a majestic carol, it clarifies the purpose of
was a garden in the place where he
God’s gift - Jesus’ birth.
was crucified, and in the garden there
was a new tomb in which no one had
ever been laid. And so, because it was
the Jewish day of Preparation, and the
tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus
Text and Tune: John H. Hopkins
Arranged by Manheim Steamroller
Preformed by Erin & Grace Niebuhr, piano duet