Page 5 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 5

Starting today and each day until January 6, some of our many talented
             musicians at First Lutheran Church will be performing Christmas carols

             (vocal   and   instrumental)      to   help   you   celebrate    the   12   Days     of
             Christmas.       Along   with   a   video   of   their   performance,   you   will   also
             receive the lyrics and story behind the carol and a Scripture reading.

             These  special  performances  will  be  shared  with  you  in  this  digital  book.

             Watch the story of the 12 Days of Christmas unfold each day as we add
             a new performance to the book through January 5. Just click on the link

             to  this  online  book  daily  to  continue  reading    the  12  Days  of  Christmas

             We   hope   these   carols   help   bring   us   together   during   these   challenging
             times,  keep  Christmas  in  our  hearts,  to  live  in  God’s  love  daily  and  to

             serve the Lord!

                                        Merry Christmas!
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