Page 9 - The 12 Days of Christmas
P. 9

The Story Behind the Carol                                         Bible Verse:

                                                                          Matthew 25: 34-40

      Good   King   Wenceslas   (AD   907-935)   actually   was   a
      duke   of   Bohemia.   He   is   most   known   for   his   act   of
      kindness  that  is  revealed  in  this  carol.  John  Mason  Neale
                                                                       “Then  the  king  will  say  to  those  at  his
      (1818-1866)   was   an   Anglican   priest   and   also   a   prolific
                                                                       right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed
      hymn  writer.  Neale  turned  the  story  of  King  Wenceslas,
                                                                       by   my   Father,   inherit   the   kingdom
      who   was   canonized,   into   a   poet   and   used   a   Finnish   folk
                                                                       prepared   for   you   from   the   foundation
      song, Tempus adest floridum. This carol was criticized as
                                                                       of  the  world;  for  I  was  hungry  and  you
      “an  unnatural  marriage  between  Victorian  whimsy  (text)
                                                                       gave   me   food,   I   was   thirsty   and   you
      and   the   thirteenth-century   (tune).”   Using   “Saint
                                                                       gave   me   something   to   drink,   I   was   a
      Wenceslas”   as   the   theme   and   using   a   secular   tune
                                                                       stranger   and   you   welcomed   me,I   was
      created  quite  a  “scandal”  among  his  colleagues,  Anglican
                                                                       naked and you gave me clothing, I was
      priests,   who   opposed   Catholicism.   Neal’s   intention   was
                                                                       sick  and  you  took  care  of  me,  I  was  in
      not  to  write  to  celebrate  Christmas  Day,  but  to  teach  us
                                                                       prison   and   you   visited   me.’   Then   the
      to   live,   to   serve   like   Christ,   to   share   Christmas   joy   and
                                                                       righteous   will   answer   him,   ‘Lord,
      wealth in our daily lives. (See the latter part of Stanza 5)
                                                                       when   was   it   that   we   saw   you   hungry
                                                                       and  gave  you  food,  or  thirsty  and  gave
                                                                       you   something   to   drink?   And   when
                                                                       was  it  that  we  saw  you  a  stranger  and
                                                                       welcomed   you,   or   naked   and   gave   you
                                                                       clothing? And when was it that we saw
                                                                       you  sick  or  in  prison  and  visited  you?’
                                                                       And  the  king  will  answer  them,  ‘Truly
                                                                       I   tell   you,   just   as   you   did   it   to   one   of
                                                                       the   least   of   these   who   are   members   of
                                                                       my family, you did it to me.’ “

                        Text: John Mason Neal
         Tune: TEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUM (Finnish folk song)
                           arr. Boyd Bacon
             Performed by the The Ruch Family Vocal Trio:
               Miles-King, Hannah-Page, Sarah-Narrator
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