Page 42 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 42

Caroline County                 the garden’s creator. In November, the   club’s Garden Th erapy committee led
                                               club stayed busy by participating in an   an Easter floral arrangement workshop

                  Garden Club                  autumn pumpkin fl oral arrangement   for residents of Caroline Nursing and
                                               workshop led by Kelley Tawney of Kelei-  Rehab. April’s meeting included tours
                 By Tammy Coulbourne           doscope Custom Florals.  Members   to two members’ gardens in the north-
                                               gathered again in late November to   ern and central portion the county, and
                                               create Christmas wreaths and trees that   May’s meeting will be another garden
            The Caroline County Garden Club,
                                               were used to decorate the exterior of the   tour of a member garden located in
            formed in 1957, is still going strong
                                               Caroline County Circuit Court build-  the southern end of the county.  Th e
            67 years later. With a mission to serve

            and enhance life in the Green Garden   ing. The club also represented Caroline   meeting year will conclude with a social
                                               County at the Maryland State House   gathering in June.
            County, the club’s objectives include
                                               in Annapolis by installing a Christmas
            the study of gardening as it pertains to
                                               tree with the theme “Sporting Dogs of   Before the year winds down completely,
            home, town, and county beautifi cation                               the club has two activities planned for
            and the conservation of the natural   Caroline County.” Club members took   May that are open to the public. On
            beauty of the county. The 2023-2024   a break in December and celebrated   Thursday, May 9, the club’s Young
                                               the Christmas season with a luncheon.
            meeting year has been both a reboot for
                                                                                 Gardeners Committee, in partner-
            the club and quite busy. Under the lead-  The club started the second half of   ship with the Caroline County Public
            ership of RaeAnn Holder as President,
                                               its meeting year in January, with a   Library, will host a hands-on painting
            aided by Vice-President Kimberlee   presentation by Mikaela Boley from   activity for youth in grades fi rst through
            Eveland, Recording Secretary Tammy
                                               the University of Maryland Extension   fourth. “Kitchens in Bloom-A Painted
            Coulbourne, Corresponding Secretary   Office on landscape design. In Febru-  Tea Towel Project” is free to partici-

            Jan Edwards, Treasurer Terri Stoker,
                                               ary members met at the Chesapeake   pants, who will decorate tea towels just
            and Parliamentarian Ann Collier, the   Culinary Center in Denton to partici-  in time for the Mother’s Day holiday.
            club has held monthly meetings since
                                               pate in a dessert making workshop,   In addition to the painting project,
            September 2023. In September the

                                               and in March they once again flexed   there will be games and refreshments
            first half of the year kicked off with
                                               their creative muscles by learning how   and each participant will receive a free
            a presentation on spring bulbs from   to decorate eggs with a workshop on   book. The workshop will take place at

            Ginny Rosenkranz of the University of
                                               Pysanky, an ancient egg decorating   the Caroline County Public Library at
            Maryland Extension Office. October
                                               practice, led by artist Coreen Weilm-  100 Market Street in Denton, at 6 PM.
            led members to Mill Pond Garden in
                                               inster. Also in March, members of the   Seating is limited and pre-registration
            Lewes, Delaware, for a private tour with
                                                                                 is required.  All participants must be
                                                                                 accompanied by an adult at all times.
                                                                                 Pre-register for the workshop by calling
               Weight Loss
                                                                                 On Wednesday, May 15, club members
                                                                                 and guests will travel by bus to Hill-
              is a journey...
                                                                                 wood Estate, Museum, and Gardens,
                    start  yours                                                 home of the late Marjorie Merriweather

                       today!                                                    Post, in Washington, DC. The trip was
                                                                                 announced to the public in late Febru-
                                                                                 ary and was sold out in three weeks.
                                                                                 To learn more about the Caroline
                                                                                 County Garden Club, and activi-
                                                                                 ties planned for the 2024-2025 year,
                                                                                 which will include an autumn themed
                                                                                 flower show in October, like and follow

                                                                                 the club’s Facebook Page, “Caroline
                      Chester River Weight Loss Center
                          1 mile south of Chester River Bridge  •  Chestertown, MD
                   We        410-778-9215                  County Garden Club-Maryland” or call
                now offer             Space available to sublease                410-253-9540.
               Semaglutide      Blood Pressure Checked  •  Vitamin B-12 Injection
                 injections  Nutritional Guidance  •   Blood Analysis  •  Diet Medication
                             Multi-Vitamins  •   Weigh in on body fat composition scale

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