Page 46 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 46

Flags for Heroes 202

                   Sponsor a flag in honor of a hero. Displayed in Denton for five week period:
                                           Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
                                            Presented by the Rotary Club of Denton

               100 AMERICAN FLAGS displayed in two visible locations:   The Rotary Club of Denton supports Denton Scout Troop
               Rt. 404 Memorial Garden off Orly Drive, and Caroline   165, Imagination Library  8FMMT GPS (IBOB and Lifetime
               County Courthouse, 109 Market Street.             Wells Foundation, $IFTBQFBLF $PNNVOJUZ $PMMFHF
                                                                 scholarships for Caroline County students  CASA’s Pinwheels
               Sponsor  a flag during TWO display periods:
               Memorial Day: May 23–June 14 (3 weeks)            for Child Abuse Prevention, and the annual  Rotary Youth
                                                                 Career Fair for 10  graders at the General James F. Fretterd
               Veterans Day: November  7–21 (2 weeks)
               Donation: $25/flag per display period             Community Center. "MTP      PG BMM OFU QSPDFFET XJMM CF
               Optional: $10 Honor Plaque displayed on the sponsored flag  EPOBUFE UP UIF -VDBT /BHFM .FNPSJBM 'VOE  XIPTF NJTTJPO JT
                                                                 UP QSPWJEF NFOUBM IFBMUI BOE USBVNB SFTPVSDFT GPS $BSPMJOF
                                                                 $PVOUZ GJSTU SFTQPOEFST
                              /FU QSPDFFET QSPEVDF DIBSJUBCMF
                                                                 For more information, contact our Flag Project Coordinator
                              DPNNVOJUZ CFOFGJUT                 4BNNJF .PPOFZ at TBNNJFBN!NF DPN or 4  .   .
                                                                 Via Facebook:

                                       BE A FLAG SPONSOR
             Registration deadline for Memorial Day is May 2  and Veterans Day is October 31, 202 .
             = Yes, I will sponsor a flag. Please display: =  in May ($25/flag) and/or =November ($25/flag)

             = Yes, I would like to physically dedicate this flag to the following with an Honor Plaque (add $10):
             Name (please print clearly)
             Military or Service Association
             Sponsor or Business Name
             Please provide the above information so we can include in the Caroline Review.
             Flags in honor of specific individuals will be displayed on the Caroline County Courthouse Lawn.

             Thank you for the opportunity to contribute. Below is my contact information for your records.
             Business (if applicable)
             Address                                                  State           Zip
             Email (please print clearly)                             Phone
             Mail Checks to: Rotary Club of Denton, PO Box 293, Denton, MD 21629

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