Page 50 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 50

                    Marydel Lions Club Raffle for...
                                                                The National Day of Prayer on the Courthouse Green will

                                                                be held  from Noon to 1 PM. The National Day of Prayer,

                                                                as designated by our government to be observed on the fi rst
                                                                Thursday of May annually belongs to all Americans— People

                                                                of all ages are welcome. It is a call for us to humbly come before
                                                                God in personal repentance and prayer and to intercede for
                                                                America’s leaders, its families, and His grace upon us as a
                                                                people. Refreshments will be served afterward. People of all

                                                                ages are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact
                                                                Paul Twining, the National Day of Prayer coordinator for
                                                                Caroline County, at 410–916–5704.
                                                                FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 3 AND 4
                                                                Ladies Retreat. Missionary, Keri Kondracki, will lead this
                              Bushel of                         retreat at the church, and she will speak at our 11 AM service
              #1 Blue Crabs                                     travels the world for Christ. Friday 7 – 9 PM; a light dinner at
                                                                on Sunday, May 5. She is a dedicated servant of God who

                                                                6 PM and Saturday 9:30 AM, with breakfast at 8:30 AM and
              with a case of soda or beer (winner’s choice)     lunch at the end of the conference (around Noon). Registration
                                                                is necessary. Call Nancy Reynolds at 410-924-6344 to register
               $5 per ticket or     Always a Winner Drawing     and for any questions. Join us at Calvary Baptist Church,
               3 tickets for $10     Tuesday, June 11, 2024     1120 Market St, Denton, 410-924-6404, donaldwreynolds@
                 Tickets available from any Club member or
                302-264-1367, 410-482-8510 or 302-363-5823      MONDAY, MAY 6
                                                                Grocery Bingo at the Cordova Firehall. Doors open at 5:45
                                                                and games begin at 6:30. Refreshments are available. Raffl  e,
            the Marshyhope Creek. Docents will be available. Admission is
                                                                50/50 game and more at this event. For more information,
            free, but donations are welcomed! For more information, please   call Rose at 410-829-3771.
            contact 443-434-3114 or
                                                                WEDNESDAY, MAY 8
            Eternal Life Ministries will have Fish Dinners available   Calvary Baptist Church will host a candlelight vigil
            from 11 AM until 3 PM. We are located at 807 Market Street
                                                                Remembrance Service for Fallen Police Officers at 6:30
            in Denton. For more information please call the church at
                                                                PM, as part of National Police Week, hosted by Patti Wood.
            410-714-1087 or 410-725-1484.
                                                                Following the service, a light course of refreshments will
            Men For Change Outreach will meet every second Saturday,   be provided. Check our webpage for additional details.
            from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at the Apostolic Pentecostal Church,     Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market Street, Denton,
            123 Liberty Road, Federalsburg. Contact: David Ricks, Sr.     410-924-6404,, https://
            443-786-5182, or Betty Jarman, 302-448-5939.
                                                                THURSDAY, MAY 9
            She will also receive questions. Morning Worship at  11
                                                                The Caroline County Garden Club, in partnership with the

            AM - choir, Missionary Foltz sharing her ministry update,
                                                                Caroline County Public Library, will host a free painting
            special music, Don Reynolds, Pastor, preaching. Join
                                                                activity, Kitchens in Bloom: a Painted Tea Towel Project,
            us at Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market St, Denton,

            410-924-6404,, www.     for students in grades first through fourth, at 6 PM, at the
                                                                Caroline County Public Library, 100 Market Street, Denton.
                                                                Participants will create a decorative tea towel, play games, have
            SATURDAYS IN MAY
                                                                refreshments, and receive a book. Pre-registration is required
            The Museum of Rural Life, 16 N. 2nd St., Denton, is open the

                                                                as seating and supplies are limited, and an adult must be
            following Saturdays in May: 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 11:00-4:00.   present with each child during the program.  To register call

            The RLM houses WWI and WWII exhibits, a new Buff alo   410-310-5454 or visit Facebook at “Caroline County Garden
            Soldier exhibit, an intact sharecropper’s cabin, ship models   Club-Maryland” on Facebook for additional information.
            from various eras of Caroline shipbuilding and elsewhere,
            memorabilia from FDR’s visit to Denton in 1938, as well as   Chesapeake Bay Herb Society meets at 6 PM at Christ
            many other exhibits and artifacts. A docent is on hand  for   Church Parish Hall, 111 S. Harrison Street, Easton. Speaker
            tours. Free to the public.  Visit, 410-479-  is Dorinda Adams on Essential Oils. Potluck Dinner Th eme is
            2055 to leave a message. Donations are always welcome.  Greek Mix. Contact:  410-763-8843 or the Society’s Facebook
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