Page 49 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 49


            The Activities Singles Klub (ASK) holds its meetings the 1st

            Thursday of the month. Meetings are held at the Elks located
            at 502 Dutchman’s Lane in Easton. Single, widowed, divorced
            and separated individuals are invited. Feel free to come visit
            with us. We meet at 4:30 PM for social time, dinner will be at
            5:00 PM and the meeting will follow dinner. For information
            call Gladys at 410-822-6205.

            The Museum of Rural Life, 16 N. 2nd St., Denton, is open                     Ridgely Lion’s Club
            the following Saturdays in May: May 4, 11, 18 and 25th from                     43RD Annual
            11:00-4:00. The RLM houses WWI and WWII exhibits, a
            new Buff alo Soldier exhibit, an intact sharecropper’s cabin,   Strawberry
            ship models from various eras of Caroline shipbuilding and
            elsewhere, memorabilia from FDR’s visit to Denton in 1938,
            as well as many other exhibits and artifacts. A docent is on   Festival
            hand  for tours. Free to the public.  Visit carolinehistory.
            org, 410-479-2055 to leave a message. Donations are always
                                                                   Martin Sutton Park – Ridgely, Maryland
            Preston Historical Society Museum hours for the                  Sunday, May 26
            museum are 10 AM to 2 PM. The museum is located at
            167 Main Street in Preston. For more information visit   12  Annual Strawberry Chase
   or Facebook at “Preston            5K Run/Walk
            Historical Society.”                                          Registration Starts at 7 AM -
                                                                              Race Begins at 8 AM
            Upper Shore Genealogical Society of Maryland - The
            Research Center/Library is located at 12156 Greensboro
                                                                    200 yard dash for kids 5 and under at 7:45 AM

            Road, Greensboro. The hours of operation are most Saturdays,

            from 9 AM - 2 PM. The Research Center is usually closed
            on holiday weekends and dates of membership meetings.        Festival Opens at 9 AM and
            Particularly for out of town researchers, the Research Center        Ends at 4 PM
            can be visited by special request. Email us at usgsmd@yahoo.
            com. Membership meetings are held at 1 p.m. the second                PARADE will start at Noon.
            Saturday of January, March, May, September and November.              Go to
            Locations may vary, but will be posted on the website at              for a parade application.
    and our offi  cial Facebook group (https://www.
   prior to meetings.
                                                                       PARADE Line-Up starts at 10:30 AM
            Men, come join us for “Men Praying Together” every    Provident State Bank (Central & Bell Avenues)
            Saturday. Women, come join us for “Women Prayer
            Together” every Saturday. Time is 8:30-9:30 AM. Come   For additional information, please visit us
            fellowship with other believers and be strengthened and   at, on Facebook at
            inspired. All are welcome—bring a neighbor/friend. Join   Ridgely Lions Club or send an email to
            us at Calvary Baptist Church, 1120 Market Street, Denton.
            Contact:  410-924-6404,,
             until. For more information, call 302-270-1948. Sponsored by
            FIRST SATURDAYS                                     Trinity United Methodist Church, Goldsboro.
            Community Civic League Breakfast, 3439 Laurel Grove   Th e 1809 Exeter House (Old Denton Road, Federalsburg) will
            Road, Federalsburg. Every first Saturday, 7-10:30 AM.
                                                                be open for tours on the second Saturday of each month, from
            Scrapple, sausage, eggs, potatoes, applesauce, biscuit, oj,
                                                                10 AM to 2 PM. Admission is free, but donations are welcome.

            coffee. Cost is $8. Local delivery available. One free breakfast
                                                                Exeter, located at 408 Old Denton Road in Federalsburg, is
            to anyone who attended the original school or day care.
                                                                one of the oldest remaining structures in southern Caroline
            Contact: 410-754-6011 or 410-924-0552.              County, dating back to around 1800. Many of its early residents
            SECOND SATURDAYS                                    were millers who worked in the grist mill across the road on
            Giving Grace Food Pantry held at Goldsboro Fire Co.,                         (continued on next page)
            700 Old Line Road, Goldsboro. Food available from 7 AM
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