Page 44 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 44

Community                    TUESDAYS                          SATURDAYS
                                               Tuesday Bingo at Denton American   Preston Historical Society Museum,
                    Calendar                   Legion Post 29. 7:30 pm. Snacks at   located at 167 Main Street in Preston,
                                               break and computers available. Info   regular Saturday hours resume March
            ONGOING                            410 -479- 2708.                   19, 2022. The museum is open 10 AM to

            Lions Durable Medical Equipment                                      2 PM most Saturdays through the fi rst
            Loan Closet. If you are in need of a piece   WEDNESDAYS              weekend of December, excluding some
            of durable medical equipment, have your   Community Civic League Food   holiday weekends. Visit the website
            caregiver or healthcare provider contact   Pantry, 3439 Laurel Grove Road, or
            a Lions Clubs near you to see if we can   Federalsburg. Wednesdays, 4 - 5 pm or   Facebook at “Preston Historical Society”
            assist you. To contact a Lions Club near   by appointment. Free food and clothing.   for further information.”
            you search www.lions22B/projects.   Contact: 302-604-4216 or 410-754-6011.  FIRST SATURDAYS
            SUNDAYS                            In person Bible Study at 6 pm, Eternal   Community Civic League Breakfast,
            In person worship every at 3 pm at   Life Ministries, 807 Market St., Denton.  3439 Laurel Grove Road, Federalsburg.
            Eternal Life Ministries, 807 Market   The Ridgely Lions Club supports the   Every first Saturday, 7-10:30 am.
            St., Denton, where we are “Free at 3”!   Ridgely United Methodist Church   Scrapple, sausage, eggs, potatoes,
            Contact Brother Mike at 410-714-4793   with their weekly “Food Pantry   applesauce, biscuit, oj, coffee, $8. Local

            for more information.
                                               from 4-5 pm. Folks in need can pick   delivery available. One free breakfast to
            Please join New Beginnings UMC of   up a grocery distribution behind the   anyone who attended the original school
            Ridgely for Virtual Sunday Worship   Church on Central Ave in Ridgely. For   or daycare. Contact: 410-754-6011 or
            every Sunday at 10 am via Zoom or   more information, contact Lion Shad   410-924-0552.
            YouTube. Zoom meeting ID: 2425063045   Brannock at   SECOND SATURDAYS
            Passcode: 421282 or on YouTube @New   SECOND FRIDAYS                 Giving Grace Food Pantry held at
            Beginnings UMC Ridgely. Rev. Kiesha   The Greensboro Historical Society   Goldsboro Fire Co., 700 Old Line
            Jones, Pastor.
                                               Museum, 104 E. Sunset Ave., “Friday   Road, Goldsboro. Food available from
            MONDAYS                            Night at the Museum” is usually held on   7 am until. For more information, call
            The Ridgely Lions meet on the 2nd   the second Friday of each month at 6:30   302-270-1948. Sponsored by Trinity
            and 4th Mondays of each month at the   with various presentations of historical   United Methodist Church, Goldsboro.
            Ridgely United Methodist Church Social   interest. Also open by appointment.   The 1809 Exeter House (Old Denton
            Hall, 107 Central Ave. in Ridgely at 6:30   Our mission is the preservation of our   Road, Federalsburg) will be open for
            pm. For more info on the Ridgely Lions   local history and heritage, education   tours on the second Saturday of each
            go to or www.  and outreach to the greater Greensboro   month, from 10 am to 2 pm.  Admission
   lions club. We are   community. Stop by to see local artifacts   is free, but donations are welcome.
            always seeking new members who are   and to learn about Greensboro of olden
            interested in serving their community.  times. We also look forward to hearing   TUESDAY, MARCH 1
            FIRST MONDAYS                      your memories of old Greensboro   Eternal Life Ministries will be hosting
            The Greensboro Historical Society,     and your thoughts on how best to   our first Shrove Tuesday Pancake
            104 E. Sunset Ave., meets each month   preserve the history and heritage of our   Dinner. All are welcome! Please join
            on the first Monday at 7 pm.       community. Masks must be worn and   from  5- 7 pm for a truly scrumptious

                                               social distancing observed. For more   meal! We are located at 807 Market
                                               information call 410-482-8903.    Street Denton. For more information
                                                                                 please call the church at 410-714-1087
                                                                                 or 410-725-1484.
                                                                                 FRIDAY, MARCH 4
                                                                                 Friday Night Dinner at Denton
                                                                                 American Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion
                                                                                 Road from  5-7 PM. Meatball sandwich
                                                                                 dinner for $8. Entertainment is George
              WHERE: RUTHSBURG COMMUNITY HALL                                    Garris on Guitar from 7-11 PM. Info
              105 Damsontown Rd, Queen Anne, Maryland 21657                      410 479-2708.
              DATE: SATURDAY, MARCH 26                                           MONDAY, MARCH 7

              TIME: 9:00AM - 1:00PM                                              Grocery Bingo at the Cordova Firehall.
                                                                                 Doors open at 6:00 and games begin at

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