Page 42 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 42

populations in ways that appeal to them. For example:   •  Menthol products are given more shelf space and oft en
                                                                     feature price promotions like discounts and multi-
              •  Menthol tobacco products are heavily marketed and
                                                                     pack coupons in African American and other minority
                advertised in culturally relevant ways towards the
                African American/Black community
                                                                  •  Hispanic populations are targeted with brand names

                                                                     like “Rio” and “Dorado” and may be influenced by Big
                                                                     Tobaccos financial contributions for college education,

                                                                     as well as their support of Hispanic cultural and arts

                                                                  • The LGBT community is targeted by advertising at gay
                                                                     PRIDE festivals and marketing depicts tobacco use as a
                                                                     “normal” part of LGBT life
                                                                  •  An old marketing campaign, Project SCUM, which
                 13699 Greensboro Rd., Greensboro, MD                stood for “Sub-Culture Urban Marketing” targeted
                                                                     LGBT and homeless individuals
                                 •  Higher number of tobacco retailers are found in
                                                                     low-income areas and companies have historically
                                                                     used discount coupons and point-of-sale discounts to
               “Impacting Caroline County and beyond
                                                                     promote purchase of these deadly products
                with the love of Christ for eternal gain”
                                                                Being aware of tobacco disparities is the first step to combat

                      Welcoming guests every week.              them. You may see anti-tobacco marketing campaigns,
                                                                such as CDCs “Tips from Former Smokers”, which can
               SATURDAY                 SUNDAY
                                                                help reduce the burden among many disparate populations.
                  6 PM          9 AM Drive-In Experience
                                                                Awareness and access to quitting tools is also important.
                Experience      11 AM Indoor Experience
                                                                1-800-QUIT NOW is a no cost, phone based Quitline,

                                                                which operates 24/7 and offers services in both English and
                                   Greensboro Quick Stop        Spanish. Participates will have access to trained quit coaches
                                                                and nicotine replacement products like patches and gum
                     Greensboro Elementary
                               School                           which, when combined, greatly increase the chances of a
                                                                successful quit attempt.
                                       Greater Impact
                                              Greensboro Rd.

                      LOSING WEIGHT...                                                           Blood Pressure
                     makes me happy as a                                                         Vitamin B-12
                      leprechaun finding his                                                     Injection
                              pot o’ gold!                                                       Nutritional
                                                                                                 Blood Analysis
                                                                                                 Diet Medication
                        C h es  t e r R i v er
                        Chester River
                   Weight Loss Center
                    1 mile south of Chester River Bridge                       MEDI  C ALL       Weigh in on body
                    Chestertown, MD 410-778-9215                               SUPERVISED        fat composition
                                                                                    Affordable &
                  OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR SUB-LEASE.                                Safe
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