Page 38 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 38
Caroline Businesses and organizations are more information about this national
encouraged to support the campaign initiative or to register your church,
CASA again by committing to a pinwheel please visit
sponsorship and creating their own
Court Appointed Thank you to Denton Diner, Caroline’s
pinwheel displays. The sponsorship
Special Advocate Agape Project, Avery Hall Insurance,
form can be found in this issue of the
Denton Rotary, and Towers Concrete
Caroline Review and also on the CASA
PINWHEELS website. Our hope is to see pinwheel who have already committed to
sponsorships and a safe, happy
FOR PREVENTION displays around the county, as well as community for children and families.
the large display that will be created
For further information about Pinwheels
The blue pinwheel has become a national in the Denton Community Garden For Prevention and child abuse
symbol for child abuse prevention. Th is and Artsway at the Pinwheel Planting prevention or to join the committee,
simple, whimsical image reminds us Ceremony, scheduled for Saturday, please contact Amy at 410-479-8301
that all children deserve a happy, safe April 9 at 10 am. The public is invited or or visit
childhood. to attend this ceremony. Please be sure
to share all of your pinwheel displays,
For the month of April, which is observed using #carolinepinwheelsforprevention! The Governor’s Office of Crime Control &
as National Child Abuse Prevention Prevention funded this project under sub-award
Month, CASA of Caroline will be We are also working with local pastors number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063.
running a county-wide awareness- to celebrate Blue Sunday, a National All points of view in this document are those of
the author and do not necessarily represent the
raising campaign with help from our Day of Prayer for abused children. Blue official position of any State or Federal Agency. Th is
community partners. The Pinwheels for Sunday is observed every year on the project is supported by a grant from the Maryland
Prevention campaign provides a unique fourth Sunday of the month so this Judiciary’s Administrative Office of the Courts
opportunity for all of us -- businesses, year’s will be on Sunday, April 24. For number AOC-G20CA0225I.
individuals, and organizations alike --
to take action by learning more about CASA of Caroline’s
child abuse prevention, supporting
child friendly policies and services, and 2 Annual Pinwheel Planting
volunteering within the community.
By planting pinwheels on the lawns of
local businesses and residences, the Saturday, April 9 • 10 AM
community rallies together to show Denton Community Garden
solidarity in our commitment to keep
children safe and free from abuse and
neglect. Plant a pinwheel in honor
As part of the campaign, CCPS students of the thousands of children
and the Caroline County community will who experience abuse and
once again be asked to color pinwheels
to fill the CASA windows. Last year’s neglect every year. Join
goal was 240 colored pinwheels and the us to raise awareness and
students SMASHED it, submitting over end child abuse.
260 coloring sheets! This year’s goal will
be 275 - be sure to check our website
For further information or to be a pinwheel sponsor, visit
( to see how
or contact Amy Horne at 410-479-8301 or
close we’re getting to that goal! Latisha
See sponsorhip form on page 39.
Bordley, CCPS Family Navigator, is the
CCPS point-person for the campaign Thank You to Our Pinwheel Sponsors
and will be distributing the coloring & 2022 Community Partners
sheets to the school community. Th ey
are also available on the CASA website.
The CCPS community will also be TOWERS
participating in Wear Blue Day on CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC
Wednesday, April 13, when everyone in
the community is encouraged to wear
blue to raise awareness and show their
support for safe, happy childhoods for
all kids.