Page 36 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 36

due; and July 1, Scholarship Recipients notification. The
                                                                applications that will be given first consideration will be from

                                                                our Club’s primary area of service which is the upper portion of
                            Lions Clubs of Caroline             Maryland’s Caroline County and the nearby western adjoining

                                                                area of Delaware’s Kent County. These scholarships will be for
                                       “We Serve”               the 2022 – 2023 Academic Year. Look for ads in the Caroline
                                                                Review relative to all of the Club’s upcoming fundraisers.
                  Marydel Lions Club College Scholarship
                      Program Has Been Reactivated!             Our Spring Membership Program is now open for those folks
                                                                interested in learning more about the opportunities to become

            The members of the Marydel Lions Club are delighted to be   a member of the Marydel Lions Club. Please be aware that
            able to announce the resumption of the Club’s very popular   100% of all of the money raised by our Club’s fundraisers are
            College Scholarship Program. When Covid and its variants   returned to the children, youth, families, adults and seniors
            made their appearance, our Club’s fundraising activities,   who reside in the communities and environs of our service
            including those that funded our College Scholarship Program,   area through our Club’s programs and projects. Information
            came to an abrupt halt. However, a combination of recent,   relative to membership, programs and projects can be had by
            very successful fund raising activities combined with some   contacting Lion Terry Higgins at
            very generous anonymous donations have created a situation   or 302-492-3354 or 302-363-5823.
            whereby the membership feels comfortable in resuming this
            very important Club activity.                           Lions Sponsor Seventh Annual Santa Chase
                                                                On Friday, December 10 the Ridgely, Denton, and Hurlock
            The numbers of and amount of each scholarship will depend,

                                                                Lions Clubs, in conjunction with the Caroline County
            in part, on the success of our upcoming Spring Ladies Purse
                                                                Department of Recreation & Parks and the Maryland Park
            Bingo (day, time and place to be announced shortly), and our
                                                                Service sponsored the 7th Annual Santa Chase. The Santa
            BBQ Chicken Dinner and ‘World Famous Funnel Cakes’ event
                                                                Chase is a 2 Mile Luminary Fun Run and Walk at Martinak
            at State Line Gas in Marydel on Saturday, May 14.
                                                                State Park.

            The projected dates for the Marydel Lions Club 2022 College
                                                                There were 62+ entrants registered in this year’s event with

            Scholarship Program are as follows. April 1, scholarship

                                                                the proceeds benefitting the Lions Clubs vision and charitable
            application forms available; June 1, Scholarship Applications
                                                                projects and the Caroline County Humane Society.
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