Page 33 - March 2022 Issue.indd
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condition when they are unable to
conceive a child. Unfortunately, there
are not many doctors especially on the
Eastern Shore who have any knowledge
about this disease. I have had numerous
doctors tell me that they had 30 minutes
of education about endometriosis in
medical school. That makes absolutely
no sense to me. If endometriosis aff ects
1 in 10 women, why doctors and nurses
not being educated about this disease?
Thankfully, over the past 20 years there
has been more awareness and education
about endometriosis but we are nowhere
near where we need to be, not even close.
The symptoms of endometriosis are:
• Painful periods
• Pain with intercourse
• Pain with bowel movements and
• Excessive bleeding
• Infertility
• Fatigue
• Diarrhea, Nausea, Constipation
Endometriosis does not usually come
alone. There are many other diseases There are a few things you can do things I cannot change, the courage to
associated with endometriosis and there to help someone who suffers from change the things I can, and the wisdom
seems to be more issues added every endometriosis. to know the diff erence.” This quote to
year. • Just because you can’t see me shows such importance in your
• Pelvic Congestion someone’s pain on the outside story and the constant battlefi eld you
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome doesn’t mean they aren’t suff ering are on. You have taken your diagnosis
(PCOS) on the inside and grown from it, you have defined
your character and you have made a
• Adenomyosis of the Uterus • Ask questions
difference for others. In ending, I hope
• Uterine Fibroids • Listen to what each person has anyone who reads this never gives up,.
to say
• Pelvic Infl ammatory Disease Don’t lose hope because after every
• Endometriosis aff ects many
• Pelvic Floor Dysfunction storm, I promise, there comes a rainbow.
women in different ways. Each
• Many other autoimmune case is unique March is Endometriosis Awareness
disorders Month which is when we try and bring
• DO NOT dismiss pelvic pain
The cause of endometriosis is not as “normal” period pain. Severe as much awareness to this disease as
known. There are factors that doctors pain is NOT NORMAL possible, but it is a passion of mine
have studied over the years. to bring awareness, education and
acceptance for every woman every
If you or anyone you know has any of the
As of right now there is no cure for above-mentioned issues, please discuss day of the year. Governor Hogan has
endometriosis. These are the treatments them with your doctor. If that doctor declared March 2022 Endometriosis
most women receive after a diagnosis. Awareness Month in Maryland. Th is is
doesn’t listen then find another one.
• Hormones/ Birth Control You are your best advocate and it is not the first time the State of MD has ever
• Hysterectomy normal to feel any of the symptoms that done this and I am extremely grateful for
• Laparoscopic Surgery/ Excision come with endometriosis. his support and showing that everyone
who fights this disease is not alone. He
• Pain Medication My niece said it best and it applies to will also be lighting up the State House
• Nutrition all of us who fight endometriosis. She yellow on March 2, 2022 to continue
• Pelvic Floor Physical Th erapy said Reinhold Niebuhr once quoted, to show support for every woman who
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the fights this disease.