Page 37 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 37
As A Professional Real Estate Agent And Fellow Neighbor,
I know the Real Value of What Our Community Offers.
I'd To Offer My Services And Resources To You, Whether
You're Looking To Buy Or Sell A Home.
Kathleen Brenton
Agent-Broker Brenton Realty Group LLC 10794 Greensboro Road, Denton MD 21629
Cell: 410-829-3430 Office # 410-479-HOME
The top three male and female fi nishers with the event and providing a great
were recognized as well as the top venue for the chase at Martinak State
three Runner/Reindeer” Canine Park; Hurlock Lions Club for providing
Teams. Special recognition prizes in the luminaries for the even; a special
eight categories were also given out to thanks to the Maryland Conservation
the most memorable, creative holiday Corps (MCC) members from Tuckahoe Second Saturdays
costumes for man and beast. State Park and members of the Denton of every month
Lions Club and the North Caroline High
The top female finishers were Bailey Goldsboro Vol. Fire Co.
School LEO Club for the placement and
Thayer, Sloan Willey and Karen 700 Old Line Road
retrieval of the 500+ luminaries for the
Ketterman and the top male fi nishers Food available from 7 AM until.
race. Also, thanks to Joanne Shipley
for the 7th Annual Santa Chase were
Designs for the Santa Chase logo and For more information, call
Samuel Mengel, Kyle Hofmann, and Will
registration flyers for our event. For more 302-270-1948.
Davis. The top three “Reindeer” canine
pictures from the 2020 Santa Chase and
teams were Hailey Chester with “Finn
the after-race celebration go to www.
Joseph”, Diana LaClair with “Grigisby” 443-845-3802 or johnnussear@hotmail.
and Joshua Duerstine with “Sherman”. com.
Lions’ clubs are groups of men and
Chairman for the Santa Chase Lion Lions’ clubs conduct and sponsor
women who identify needs within the
Dave Davis of the Ridgely Lions would a variety of programs and projects,
community and work together to fulfi ll
like to thank the following individuals, including vision screenings, hearing
those needs. For more information
businesses and organizations for aid and eye glass donations, little league
about Ridgely Lions Club you can
supporting the 7th Annual Santa Chase. sponsorships, working with literacy
contact Lion Joe Riley at 410-935-
Thanks to Sue Simmons and the staff programs in schools, sponsoring
7052 or, and
and volunteers at the Caroline County Christmas lights and parades, the
the Hurlock Lions Club contact Lion
Department of Recreation & Parks for annual Lions International Peace Poster
Steve Disharoon at 410-251-1977 or
handling the Santa Chase registration, Contest, and operating and participating and for the Denton
timing, and awards; Park Manager in local festivals as well as donating to
Lions Club contact Lion John Nussear,
Debbie Cooper and her staff for assisting numerous local charities and nonprofits.