Page 6 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 6

Choptank:                    wharves (three steamboat lines served   With the death on January 31, 1984, of
                                               the town), two churches and a school,   Lloyd F. Price, a long-time waterman of
                From Fishing                   stores and several industries.    Choptank, another link with the past
                                                                                 thriving waterfront town was broken.
                  to Boating                   Today the county-owned marina, new
                                               slips and a completed dredging project,   Price, a waterman for 57 years, was
                                               thanks to the state, may pump some life   instrumental in the establishment of the
                This very interesting article

                                               back into the community.          present Choptank Marina, now owned
                 about Choptank is from
                                                                                 by the county, and acted as its manager
                 the March 1984 issue of       It was considered one of the prime   until 1982 when the county phased out

                   the Caroline Review.        fishing villages on the Choptank River   his job.
                                               years ago with watermen reported to
            The large grey metal Maryland state   have landed as many as 6,000 shad and   It is operated through the Department
            historic road sign says there were   herring in a single day.        of Recreation and Parks today.
            Indians in the Choptank area of Caroline
            County in 1679, and that the tiny fi shing   We are told that industry moved in such
            community even had a post office in   as a tomato cannery, a shirt factory, a
            1883.                              box crate and basket factory, and even
                                               a sawmill.

            The late 1880s may have been a boom
            time for the town that overlooks the   But the advent of the railroads to the
            broad reaches of the Choptank River a   Eastern Shore, while bringing prosperity
            few miles south of Preston, but it sleeps   to other small towns, signaled the demise

            quietly now. However, there is a prospect   of Choptank. The modern highways and

            of seeing increased traffic with its newly   the automobile sent people everywhere.
            improved marina.                   Choptank settled into a sleepy village of
                                               few fishermen and less boaters.

            Before the turn of the century, this was
            a thriving town with bustling steamship

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