Page 3 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 3

Tuckahoe                   Applications must be submitted by June   application  can be found on the TEC
                                               1, with results announced by July 1.   website, TuckahoeEquestrianCenter.
             Equestrian Center                                                   com.

                                               Three scholarships of $1,500 each will
                 Scholarships                  be awarded. Winners will receive their   If you have any questions please call
                                               awards at the July monthly meeting to   Stacy Frank at 516-901-4979.
            Tuckahoe Equestrian Center is pleased   be held July 17.
            to be off ering scholarships to students
            pursuing their education in equine   Prior scholarship recipients are eligible   Perfect Touch
            studies, vet/vet tech or agricultural   to apply again. Scholarship application
            studies. High School seniors who are   criteria and forms and a TEC membership
            about to attend college in these areas
            will also be eligible. We are excited to                                  Hair Design
            be able to assist students in the pursuit
                                                Easter SHOOT                              410-479-2833
            of these studies.                                                         1143 Shore Hwy. Denton
            Applicants must be enrolled or about
                                                                                            Ann Draper &



            to attend a U.S. accredited college,   CLAYS AND STILL TARGETS
                                                                                       Lisa Young (Murray), Stylist
            university or graduate program. A copy                                Over 30 years combined experience
            of their transcript must be submitted
            with their application as well as an
            approximately 400 word essay on “How I
            plan to use this course of study to further
            the equine or agricultural  industry.”                                           Happy
                                                    Saturday, March 30
            High School seniors should submit a       Noon - 4:30 PM                   St. Patrick’s Day
            letter of acceptance from the college they   Food available. Held rain or shine.
            will be attending as well as a transcript   Call 410-829-6308 for info.   Appointments Appreciated
            from their high school and their essay.                                       Walk-Ins Welcome
                                                  Federalsburg VFW Post 5246
            Applicants must be members of TEC          2630 Veterans Dr.             Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
            but may join at the time of application.                                 Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon
             Struggling with Addiction?
                       You don’t have to struggle alone. The Safe Station                5HFRYHU\
                     Program in Caroline County helps individuals seeking
                      recovery from addiction. This is a peer-led program,
                      designed to help you begin your journey to recovery.

                                    +HOS LV $YDLODEOH
                              24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week
                     Call 888-407-8018 and ask for Safe Station Services.

                                Visit: Caroline County Safe Station
                          9305 Double Hills Road  –  Denton, MD 21629

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