Page 6 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 6
Welcome to a 250 th A local innkeeper and ferry opera- noon and 4 PM to create a pedestrian,
tor by the name of James Barwick was family friendly, walkway. A Scaven-
Celebration of contracted to serve as jailor, and to ger Hunt hosted by the Chamber of
Caroline County, maintain the courthouse facilities. Commerce, and supported by a major-
ity of Downtown Denton businesses
March 15, 2024! To celebrate this occasion the Caroline will be open to young and old and off er
County Historical Society will be host- a first place prize of $100, second place
In from 5pm to 8pm to the Museum of prize of $50 and a third place price of
ing a VIP event on Friday, March 15th,
November, 1773, at
a session of the Mary-
$25. All you have to do to participate
Rural Life. The cost of the affair will be
land General Assembly,
will be to register at 8 N. Second Street,
William Richardson
d’oeuvres sampling entitled a “Taste
and Thomas White, delegates from $50 that will include spirits and an hors Denton. There will be trike races run by
the Caroline County Humane Society,
Dorchester County to the Assembly of of Denton’ provided by the Denton corn hole tournaments run by Summit
Delegates and Burgesses. introduced Pub, Caroline’s, Craft Bakery & Café, Bank, and street bowling /potato spoon
a bill, subsequently passed, provid- Pizza Empire, Earth Tones Café, and races hosted by the Arts Council, and
ing for the formation of a new county, the Chesapeake Culinary Center. Proc- much more.
Caroline, in honor of Lady Caroline lamations will be read, followed by a
Eden, sister of the 6th Lord Baltimore program by Julie Markin, a professor of There will be DJ music and perfor-
and then Lord Proprietor and wife of Anthropology at Washington College. mances from North Caroline and Colo-
the royal governor. It was to be formed The program will highlight the results nel Richardson High School Jazz bands,
from inland sections of Queen Anne of the College’s recent archaeological performances by To The Point Dance
and Dorchester Counties. Th e County diggings that have occurred at the end Studio, and the Arts Center Drums and
to be organized in March, 1774. of Smith Landing Road just north of Dance Circle. Secret World Alpacas
Denton, at Barwick’s Landing, a site will have a petting zone set up. Market
By order of the Maryland General presumably the location of the tavern Street closure will be bookended by
Assembly (1773) Melvill’s Warehouse owned and operated by James Barwick Caroline’s on one end, hosting cook-
became the temporary county seat until 1783. (Information gathered from ing demonstrations, and the Pub at
and court convened there for the fi rst The History of Caroline County Mary- the other end, where there will be Irish
time the third Tuesday of March, 1774 land From Its Beginning, 1920) music. The Foundry, Faces and the
beginning the 15th day of the month Museum of Rural Life will be open.
and continuing by several adjourn- We Are All About Th e Green Local restaurants will be open for busi-
ments until the 17th day. Melvill’s ness on Saturday aft ernoon, March 16..
To continue the celebration of Caro-
Warehouse, a small settlement about a It is a great time to visit, and get a taste
line, the ‘Green Garden County’, on
mile and a half above what is Denton of Downtown Denton, MD.
today, consisted of a tobacco ware- Saturday, March 16th, Market Street
between Second Street and Fift h Street
house, wharf, store, and a few houses. And this does not even include other
in Denton will be closed between 12 festivities over the weekend. Th e 16th
Annual St. Patrick Day 5K Run, Kiddie
Dash, Fun Run/Walk is on Saturday
morning. The Denton Pub will have
music Saturday into the night right up
to their midnight pancakes. Sunday,
March 17, you have a choice of a Keg &
Eggs breakfast (7-10 AM) at the Pub, or
a Sunday Brunch at Caroline’s (10 AM-3
PM). Check out the Facebook and/or
web pages of our co-sponsors for more
details: Chamber of Commerce, Caro-
SELLERS OF COOL OLD STUFF line County Historical Society, Denton
Pub, Caroline’s, Arts Council (CCCA),