Page 11 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 11

on regulatory agencies to monitor the end product being put   This is the reverse of NAMBY, (Not In My Backyard) thinking,
            in the ground, according to the farmer’s nutrient plan.  where you can do whatever you want to do just don’t do it in

                                                                my backyard, or close to me. This is “IDWIWIYBY,” (I will
            But there is no regulatory agency monitoring the storage of   Do Whatever I Want In Your Backyard).
            this material during the process of converting to a usable
            product. There is not even a regulatory agency monitoring   I need to make clear that I completely understand the benefi ts

            what is going into the pit. The pit could contain almost   of using DAF as a soil nutrient when applied according to a
            anything. It has been known that this entrepreneur/farmer   farmer’s Nutrient Management Plan. I also understand that
            has been hauling cow manure from his dairy farm to put in   there are proper procedures and protocols for managing

            his DAF pits in Ridgely and Greensboro.             DAF pits to mitigate odor and flies. I am not suggesting its
                                                                agricultural use be impeded.
            While this slurry of waste is being stored and the material is
            mixed to separate liquids from solids, a byproduct is an odor
            that severely impacts the lives of neighbors and property                    (continued on next page)

            The smell permeates everything not only outside but inside

            and affects neighbors in all directions and within thousands     BRIAN’S POWER WASH, LLC
            of feet if not a mile, depending on how hard the wind blows.           • Low Pressure Exterior Cleaning
            Regardless of which direction the wind is blowing the stench
            is so severe it survives and can be irritating to those nearby.        • No Pressure Roof Cleaning
            As we know, on the Eastern Shore, where there is agricultural   B      • Residential & Commercial
            odor, there will be fl ies. Th ese flies are not only a nuisance       • Licensed & Insured

            but may at times carry diseases that may be transferred to                        FREE ESTIMATES!
                                                                                                  Brian Bartolomeo
            Our county commissioners, hearing the complaints of               
            neighbors who are forced to remain inside during periods   443-786-3439
            when the sludge is being stirred, are attempting to stop any
            further growth of these DAF pits in our county and to also
            find a way to stop this infringement on their right to enjoy

            their property, destroying their way of life. This issue goes way   LUCK WON’T
            beyond a landowner’s “Right to Farm” in Caroline County.
            I would argue that accepting wastewater material from a   FIND YOUR
            commercial facility for a fee is not covered by an individual’s
            right to farm. The standard “Right to Farm” contract   DREAM HOME...
            addendum clearly states:

            “Caroline County has determined the inconveniences or                             Ka t
            be considered to be an interference with reasonable use  BUT I WILL.                 Broker/Realtor
                                                                                              Kathleen Brenton
            discomforts with such agricultural operations shall not
            and enjoyment of land if such operations are conducted in                           410-829-3430
            accordance with generally accepted agricultural management
            practices.” I would argue that storing DAF generated by
            commercial food processing facilities, and manure from other
            locations is not a “generally accepted agricultural management

            This DAF issue is another example of a powerful person acting
            as if the laws of our land do not pertain to them. Without laws

            specifically excluding an activity with defined penalties, it is
            unlikely that perpetrators will curtail the activity regardless of   410-479-HOME (4663)
            the consequences to others. Ignoring the odor is much easier   10794 Greensboro Road
            when you live miles and counties or states away from where    Denton, MD 21629
            the activity is occurring.

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