Page 10 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 10

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                        by Tolbert Rowe

                                    and Our Green Garden County

                                               If something is not done about DAF   In the process of converting a chicken
            “Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a   and done quickly, we will become what   from a fl uff y white feathery bird to a
            water treatment process that clarifi es   Governor William Donald Schaefer   package of boneless breasts, chicken
            wastewaters (or other waters) by the   called the “ of the Eastern Shore”,   wings, and thighs, there is a lot of water

            removal of suspended matter such as   referring to the small “out” door facility   being used. This wastewater contains

            oil or solids. The removal is achieved by   where you went when you had to go.   all kinds of nasty residue that have no
            dissolving air in the water or wastewater   The Governor used a less acceptable   use for man or beast. All of this waste
            under pressure and then releasing the   term to express his displeasure that   liquid material has to go somewhere. It
            air at atmospheric pressure in a fl otation   most counties did not vote for the Ex-  no longer serves any useful purpose for
            tank basin. The released air forms tiny   mayor of Baltimore.        the chicken processor.

            bubbles which adhere to the suspended
                                               Some may recall Governor Schaefer   Seeing an opportunity to generate
            matter causing the suspended matter to
            float to the surface of the water where   making this comment to an Eastern   income a wealthy entrepreneur/farmer

                                               Shore legislator while walking to the
                                                                                 who is not from our state has seized on
            it may then be removed by a skimming

                                               podium for his first state of the state   the opportunity to take this material

                                               address. The Eastern Shore did not vote   off the hands of the chicken processing

            “Dissolved air flotation is very   for the ex-mayor.                 plants, for a fee.
            widely used in treating the industrial   DAF systems have been used for   At the plant, this wastewater is
            wastewater effluents from oil refi neries,

                                               decades as a method of dealing with   monitored and regulated to the extent
            petrochemical and chemical plants,
                                               industrial waste using proven methods   that the processor must adhere to
            natural gas processing plants, paper
                                               to remove and discard what is no longer   proper protocol and procedures of
            mills, general water treatment and   useful, known as scum, and discarding   collection, storage, and removal to
            similar industrial facilities. A similar
                                               it in a safe and effi  cient manner.  assure that this material does not leak or
            process known as induced gas fl otation
                                                                                 contaminate other parts of the process
            is also used for wastewater treatment.”  What is happening in Caroline County   or the environment.
                                               is this DAF process is being used as
                                               a method of disposing of animal   Once the material is loaded into a

            The above definitions for Dissolved Air   processing plant waste, more specifi cally   tanker truck at the processing plant it

            Floatation Systems are taken directly   chicken plants, and converting it to   is taken to an offsite open-air facility or
            from Wikipedia and has very quickly,   a soil nutrient used by farmers to   DAF pit in Caroline County where it is
            within the past 12 months, come to the   enhance the productivity of their soil.   unloaded and the process of separating
            forefront of a major issue confronting   Th ink fertilizer.          liquid from solids begins. It is from this
            our county and its moniker as the                                    open-air pit that the magic of turning
            “Green Garden County”.                                               chicken plant waste into beneficial
                                                                                 fertilizer happens.
                                                                                 Once this process is complete the
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”
                                                                                 residual beneficial material is pumped

             Purchase or Refinance                                               into a vehicle that will transfer and apply
                                                                                 the beneficial material into the soil. Th is

                                                                                 part of the process is monitored by a
                                                                                 farmer’s Nutrient Management Plan
                                                                                 which regulates what and how much
                                                                                 of certain elements are being applied,
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  most specifi cally, nitrogen.
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  It is important to note that in this
                                               182844                            process we must rely on regulatory
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                agencies to monitor wastewater where
                                                                                 it is created, the plant, and we must rely
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