Page 32 - July 2020 Issue.indd
P. 32
H ealth C orner Tips, Classes and
Programs to help
you live healthier!
triage booths to screen patients early intervention services and further
safely evaluation if concerns are identifi ed.
• Collaborating with healthcare Information Provided by : CDC
providers in the community to
Maintaining Childhood identify separate locations for Diagnostic and Imaging Center,
Immunizations and Well-Child providing well visits for children Breast Center Implement New
Care During COVID-19 Pandemic Processes as Routine
Healthcare providers should identify
children who have missed well- Testing Resumes
Submitted By : La’Tara Brooks child visits and/or recommended
Caroline County Health Department vaccinations and contact them to As University of Maryland Shore
Regional Health resumes routine, non-
Stay-at-home and shelter-in-place schedule in person appointments, emergency testing, the Diagnostic
orders have resulted in declines in starting with newborns, infants up and Imaging Center (DIC) and
outpatient pediatric visits and fewer to 24 months, young children and Clark Comprehensive Breast Center
vaccine doses being administered, extending through adolescence. State- at Easton are getting busier. “We’ve
leaving children at risk for vaccine- based immunization information resumed imaging up to 50 percent of
preventable diseases. As states develop systems and electronic health records normal-capacity scheduling, and many
plans for reopening, healthcare may be able to support this work. patients also are catching up on their
providers are encouraged to work with
All newborns should be seen by a blood work that they may have been
families to keep or bring children up to
pediatric healthcare provider shortly putting off as part of the emphasis on
date with their vaccinations. Primary
after hospital discharge (three to fi ve staying home and social distancing,”
care practices in communities aff ected
days of age). Ideally, newborn visits says Pam Addy, senior vice president,
by COVID-19 should continue to use
should be done in person during the Ambulatory and Clinical Services.
strategies to separate well visits from
COVID-19 pandemic in order to
sick. Examples could include: This posed new challenges for those
evaluate for dehydration and jaundice, working at the DIC and Breast Center.
• Scheduling sick visits and well- ensure all components of newborn Waiting rooms in the building, while
child visits during diff erent times screening were completed and spacious, could not accommodate a
of the day appropriate confirmatory testing and growing complement of patients with
follow-up is arranged, and to evaluate
• Reducing crowding in waiting the requirement to maintain a distance
mothers for postpartum depression.
rooms, by asking patients to of 12 feet apart. So, the Ambulatory
Developmental surveillance and
remain outside (e.g., stay in their Services team came up with a new
early childhood screenings, including
vehicles, if applicable) until they process to help patients get the testing
developmental and autism screening,
are called into the facility for they need while minimizing the
should continue along with referrals for
their appointment, or setting up likelihood of exposure to COVID-19.
When patients drive up, they are
KEEP THE BEAT stopped by a “greeter” who directs them
to continue on to the circle in front of
the entrance rather than going right
CPR & First Aid Training to the parking lot. At the entrance,
patients are greeted by screeners with
Training for: • Boat Captains walkie-talkies who ascertain what
• Healthcare • Coaches... testing or provider visit they have
• Daycare we do them all! come for, ask questions regarding
CPR and First Aid any possible symptoms and take their
valid for 2 years temperatures, get their phone number,
410-758-2022 Quality, fun
WE ARE AHA INSTRUCTORS 147 Log Canoe Cir. and then direct them to the parking
& aff ordable lot. The screeners keep in touch with
For upcoming classes: Stevensville, MD 21666
training! staff inside the building so that as soon
as either their provider is ready to see