Page 28 - July 2020 Issue.indd
P. 28
it free of charge to people in need. Referrals come from local
healthcare and social service providers. During the coronavirus
Lions Clubs of Caroline pandemic (Covid-19) request for equipment have continued,
so Lions have modified their distribution by screening clients
and caregivers about any exposures to Covid-19 and utilizing
proper PPE (personal protective equipment) to make deliveries
and set-ups in client’s homes.
Ridgely Lions Club Awards Multiple Scholarships
In June, Lions were able to assist several individuals in our
Every year the Ridgely Lions Club awards multiple scholarships community who needed medical equipment. All of these
to local college-bound seniors. We normally award three (3) requests came from the client’s healthcare providers, friends
scholarships that range from $500 up to $2000. and/or family. In March, a gentleman in Easton who cares for
his wife at home requested a sit to stand lift to safely transfer
Given the extraordinary times that we are living in, the Club her to and from her hospital bed and her wheelchair. A sit to
decided to award as many scholarships as could be aff orded. stand lift was generously donated by a third party, who’s family
This year we are awarding $6,600 in scholarships.
member no longer had a use for the lift so we were fi nally able
Students are awarded a scholarship based on their academic to fill this request in June.
achievements, extra-curricular activities, and community Following up on a request from a client’s physical therapist, we
service. They must also show that they have been accepted were able to get a Denton woman a hospital bed to replace her
at a college and that they have selected a major field of study.
queen size bed after she lost a foot and a toe to complications
This year’s scholarship winners are: from diabetes. The hospital bed gives her more space in her
bedroom and with the adjustable bed the flexibility to more
Kiley Macmillan – University of Maryland, College easily transfer to and from her wheelchair.
Park. Seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.
Another request came from Lion Karen Memsonides, who was
Kylie Lynch – Chesapeake College. Seeking a 2-year looking for a fully adjustable electric hospital bed for a patient
nursing degree with plans to attend Salisbury University in Federalsburg who broke her ankle to two places and will
when she graduates from Chesapeake College. non-ambulatory for 6-8 weeks. Federalsburg Lions picked up,
delivered and set-up the bed for the patient.
Margaret Witkofsky – Washington and Lee
University. Seeking a Bachelor of Science
degree in neuroscience and engineering.
Sam Harper – St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Long-
term goal is to become an English teacher.
Dylan Bunce – Salisbury University. Seeking
a degree in business economics with a long-
term goal of becoming a lawyer.
Jordan Figueroa – Elizabeth Town College. Seeking a
Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.
Victor Witkofsky – Hood College. Seeking a
Bachelor of Science degree in Biology.
Madison Higdon – Frostburg University. Seeking
a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice.
Please remember that the Ridgely Lions Club is here to serve
the community.
Lions Assist Mid-Shore Residents
with Medical Equipment
The Lions Clubs International motto is “We Serve”. One of
the service projects that the Ridgely & Greensboro Lions
Clubs operates is a Durable Medical Equipment Loan Closet.
Lions re-purpose good used medical equipment and provide