Page 26 - July 2020 Issue.indd
P. 26

Work to Achieve                  •  Keep your debts under control.     for a private room in a nursing
                                                   It’s not easy to do, but if you can   home and more than $50,000
                 Your Financial                    consistently minimize your debt    for the services of a home health
                 Independence                      load, you can have more money      aide, according to Genworth,
                                                   to invest for the future and move   an insurance company. Most of
                                                   closer toward achieving your       these costs won’t be covered by
                 Submitted by Ann Jacobs,

                                                   financial liberty. One way to keep   Medicare, either, so, if you want
                    Financial Advisor              your debts down is to establish a   to reduce the risk of seriously
                  Edward Jones - Denton            budget and stick to it, so you can   depleting all your fi nancial
                     443-496-1755                  avoid unnecessary spending.        resources – or burdening your
                                                                                      adult children with these heavy
                                                •  Contribute as much as possible
                               Over the past                                          expenses – you may want to
                               few months,         to your retirement plans. Th e     consider some type of long-term
                               ju st  ab out       more money you can save for        care insurance. You could choose
                               everyone has        retirement, the greater your       a traditional long-term care
                               felt the loss       feelings of fi nancial indepen-     policy – which can cover a nurs-
                               of some type        dence. So it’s essential that you   ing home stay, home health care,
                               of freedom,         contribute as much as you can to   or other services – or a hybrid
                               whether it’s        your 401(k) or similar employer-   policy, which provides long-
            being able to travel, engage in social   sponsored retirement plan. At    term care coverage plus a death
            gatherings or participate in other activi-  a minimum, put in enough to   benefi t.
            ties we previously took for granted. Still,   earn your employer’s match, if

            as we prepare to observe Independence   one is offered, and every time   •  Manage withdrawals carefully.
            Day, it’s comforting to realize all the free-  your salary goes up, boost your   Once you retire, your fi nancial
            doms we still have in this country. And   annual contributions. Even if you   freedom will depend a great
            taking the right steps can also help you   participate in a 401(k), you’re   deal on how skillful you are in
            achieve your fi nancial independence.   probably also still eligible to    managing the money in your
                                                   contribute to an IRA, which can    retirement accounts. Specifi cally,
            Here are some moves to consider:       help you build even more funds     you need to be careful about how
                                                   for retirement. And because you    much you withdraw from these
              •  Build an emergency fund. It’s a
                                                   can fund an IRA with virtually     accounts each year. If you set a
                good idea to create an emergency
                                                   any type of investment, you can    withdrawal rate that’s too high
                fund consisting of three to six
                                                   broaden your portfolio mix.        in your early years of retire-
                months’ worth of living expenses,
                with the money held in a liquid,   •  Explore long-term care cover-   ment, you might eventually risk
                low-risk account. With this fund   age. One day, your fi nancial       outliving your resources. So, set a
                in place, you can avoid dipping    independence could be threat-      withdrawal rate that refl ects your
                into your long-term investments    ened by your need for some         age, assets, retirement lifestyle
                to pay for short-term, unex-       type of long-term care. It now     and other factors. You may want
                pected costs.                      costs, on average, over $100,000   to consult with a fi nancial profes-
                                                                                      sional to establish an appropriate
                                                                                 As you can see, working toward your
                                                                                 financial independence is a lifelong
                                                                                 activity – but it’s worth the eff ort.

                                                                                 This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
                                                                                 your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward
                                                                                 Jones, Member SIPC
                                                                                 *Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
                                                                                 all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward
                                                                                 D. Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico
                                                                                 and Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance
                                                                                 Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insur-
                                                                                 ance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward
                                                                                 Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
                   Ann M Jacobs                              Member SIPC
                   Financial Advisor
                   105 Franklin St
                   Denton, MD 21629-1207
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