Page 16 - February 2021 Issue.indd
P. 16

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      
                                     by Jeanne Trice

                  ALL THE LIBRARY              call 410-479-1343, Ext 106 for updated   free library card account.
             SERVICES YOU’VE ALWAYS            hours and services.               Visit our website, click on the Services
                 LOVED - SERVED UP                   Chat with a Librarian       menu, and click “Books by Mail” or
                 SOME NEW WAYS!                We now offer online Chat Help from 10   call 410-479-1343, Ext. 170 for more

                                               a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Saturday.  information.
            Stay in and Read: Join the Friends’                                     Laptops and Wi-Fi Hotspots
                                               Visit and click the green
              Coziest Non-event of the Year!                                          Available for Check Out
                                               button on the bottom right of any
            Staying in these days? We are too!  Our   webpage to chat with staff.  We can   Borrow a laptop or hotspot!  It’s free
            Friends will not be hosting their Library   help you find free online tutoring,   with your library card, and you can
            Minigolf fundraiser this year. But you   learn about your phone, tablet, or   get expert remote tech help from a
            can still support your library and have   computer, and connect you to sources   librarian.
            fun during February by joining their   for homework help.            Must be 18 or older.  For details, visit
            virtual fundraiser!
                                               You can also request books, DVDs,   our website, click on the Services menu
            Grab your PJs, a book (or several), curl   games, and 3D prints through Library   and then  “Laptops for Checkout” or call
            up with some snacks and a drink, and   to Go, and so much more!      410-479-1343, Ext. 106.
            start reading. To register/donate visit   Books-by-Mail Service Available  Faxing and Printing at All
            the Friends’ website, carolineFOTL.
            com, for all the details and some   Can’t get to the library? Let us bring the   Locations
            great book recommendations. Post a   library to you!                 Send us your documents via our website
            picture and join the conversation about   Books-by-Mail is a free service off ered   or bring them to curbside service and
            what you are reading on the Friends’   to Caroline County residents with a   we can make copies or fax for you!
            Facebook page!                     Caroline County Public Library card.    When uploading your print/fax requests
                Curbside and Contactless             It allows homebound residents to   please include as many details as
                   Services Continue           borrow and return library books and   possible, including the library location
            Our contactless services, such as   audiobooks through the mail.     for pick-up.  You will receive an email
                                                                                 when your document is ready.
            curbside pickup, laptop/hotspot lending,   No card? No problem! Call us at
            and virtual programs, are available at all   410-479-1343, Ext. 106 to set up your   Visit “Library to Go: Printing and
            three locations.  Visit our website or                               Faxing” under the Services menu of
                                                                                 our website for more information.

              Friends of the Caroline County Public Library                            VIRTUAL FUN AND
                Sharing the magic of the library for over 20 years!                   LEARNING FOR KIDS
                                                                                           AND TEENS

                                                                                   Discord for Teens at the Library!

                                                                                 The library and its Teen services and
                                                                                 Makerspace team are excited to off er
                                                                                 a virtual hangout space, just for teens!
                                                                                 If you are ages 13 to 18, and you also
                                                                                 enjoy discussing things like anime, arts
                                                                                 and crafts, books, movies, trivia, and
                             Support. Donate. Join.                              video games, join our Teen Discord
                                                                                 server. Chat with other teens and our
                                           librarians in a welcoming environment,

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