Page 10 - January 2024 Issue.indd
P. 10

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                           by Tolbert Rowe

                                             Financial Hangover?

            With Christmas 2023 and New Years   confusion and misinformation fl ying   concerned this could result in unequal
            2024 in the rear view mirror, many   around.                         credit outcomes based on their servicer.”
            Americans will find themselves

            suffering with a financial hangover. As   In a letter to credit reporting agencies   Cordray noted in the letter that part of

            of November 2023, credit card debt has   and credit score companies on   the Department of Education’s remedy
            reached a record high of $1.08 Trillion,   December 12, Richard Cordrey, Chief   to these issues was to instruct servicers
            and the holiday season will see that   Operating Officer of the Office of   to put borrowers into an administrative
            number increase, I am sure.        Federal Student Loan Aid asked them   forbearance, which means the borrower
                                               not to ding a student loan borrower’s   is not required to make payments on
            The realization that credit card balances   credit profile or score due to missed   their loan, while the errors are being

            have swelled, and high interest rates are   payments while the repayment system   resolved,
            eating more and more of your monthly   is ramping up.
            payment is a wakeup call that 2024                                   If you have been successful in
            will require some adjustments to your   Cordrey stated in his letter that   establishing how much of a payment
            monthly budget. You also need to pay   “the payment behavior of student-  you are obligated to pay and who you
            particular attention to how you are   loan borrowers during the return to   are to pay it to, I suggest that you make
            managing your credit card balances.  repayment does not “carry the same   your payments. Do not assume that
                                               creditworthiness implications as they   because there is so much confusion
            Rule #1 for showing you can manage   do for other products, because of the   in the student loan repayment system
            credit appropriately and achieve a   unique circumstances of the period.”    your failure to make a payment when
            higher credit score is, “Make your   He noted that multiple servicers   due will not hurt your credit score. It
            monthly payment when due.” At the   provided inaccurate disclosures to   very well may.
            very least make the minimum payment.   roughly 100,000 borrowers. He added
            However, do not get in the habit of   that one servicer failed to send timely   You should get in the habit of paying
            only making the minimum payment, it   billing information to nearly 2.5 million   as much as you can on your credit card
            will take years to pay it down to a zero   borrowers.                balance and consider the minimum
            balance, and if you keep using the card                              payment as a safety net, only to be used

            it will never get paid off .       “As a result of these servicer errors,   when other financial obligations are a
                                               a borrower’s lack of payment does   priority. Creditors love it when only the
            It is also important to note that for   not necessarily reflect their ability   minimum payment is made over time
            those borrowers who are adjusting to   or intention to repay their loan,” he   because they make more money.
            having to make student loan payments   wrote. In addition, because the errors
            that your grace period has ended. Since   are not uniform, “similarly situated   As you pay in excess of the minimum
            payments came out of forbearance   borrowers are experiencing an unequal   payment you are reducing the balance

            on October 1 there has been much   set of repayment experiences and I am   which has the effect of lowering your
                                                                                 utilization rate, which leads to Rule #2.

                                                                                 Rule #2 in demonstrating proper credit
                                                                                 management is to keep your utilization
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”
                                                                                 rate at or below 30%-35% and avoid
             Purchase or Refinance                                               making the minimum payment as
                                                                                 much as possible. The utilization rate

                                                                                 is the current balance of a credit card in
                                                                                 relation to the credit limit. If you have a
                                                                                 credit card with a credit limit of $10,000
                                                                                 and you owe $9,000 the utilization rate
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD
                                                                                 is 90%. To make sure your credit score
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,     is not being lowered because of the
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  utilization rate keep the balance below
                                                                                 $3,000-$3,500 in this example.
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520

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