Page 6 - January 2024 Issue.indd
P. 6

Why Stay Married?                          - made from the same body.” That sense of oneness can no
                                                                longer be achieved physically; however, with hard work and
                                                                commitment, there are times when it can be found emotion-
                             by Rich Warfi eld
                                                                ally and spiritually. That is the relationship we seek when we

                                                                say “I Do” and the one that should be our desire throughout
            January 14, 2024 marks the 40th anniversary of my marriage   our married lives. Unfortunately, it is elusive.
            celebration. We were married at Christ Episcopal Church in

            Denton and received all of our friends and family members   How do Prince Charming and The Princess Bride become

            at the Caroline Country Club shortly thereafter. Loretta   Mr. Hyde and The Wicked Witch of the West? Is it inevitable,
            was stunning in her beautiful wedding                              or does it simply become a self-fulfi lling
            dress, and I’ve never looked sharper. We                           prophecy? To learn the answers to these
            memorized and passionately delivered                               questions we must first determine what
            our vows without prompting from Father                             qualities we found attractive in our mates.
            Cliff and privately committed that divorce                         What was it about them that stirred us to

            would never be an option for us. It was a                          want to spend the rest of our lives with
            powerful, life changing experience, and yet,                       them? Generally, these qualities remain;
            surpassed many years later by the look on                          however, they can be hidden by our eff orts

            my son’s face after his first glimpse of soon                      to “improve” our spouse (change them to

            to be wife, Becky, when she began to walk                          fit our image of the perfect mate). During
            down the aisle. Thankfully, the photogra-                          courtship we tend to overlook anything

            pher captured the moment.                                          that our fiancé does that disturbs us,
                                                                               assuming that we can modify their behav-
            Marriage is a wonderful institution, unique                        ior over time with indisputable logic. How
            in many ways. Our Wedding Day is prob-                             incredibly naive. We don’t realize that they
            ably the one event in our lives most oft en                        are trying to change our irritating behavior
            yearned for, and later described as the                            at the same time. Life would be so much
            “most memorable day of my life.” We tend                           more rewarding if we would try instead
            to become husbands and wives with few                              to modify our own behavior as requested
            reservations because the joy of sharing our                        and accept our mate as is, 100% without
            hopes, dreams and lives with such a special                        exception. This attitude change must be

            person far outweighs any fear associated                           unconditional as our marriage vows are
            with commitment and compromise. We                                 supposed to be. Nothing that our mate
            enjoy “showing off ” our new treasure and beam whenever   does or says must aff ect our heartfelt desire to be the very
            anyone asks how we are enjoying “married life.” How is it   best, most loving, and considerate spouse we can be. Only
            then that nearly half of these “Blessed Unions” end in the   then can that “honeymoon” feeling begin to be rekindled and
            most distasteful and painful fashion? It’s not on purpose…   oneness be revisited.
            What causes the honeymoon to end? Let us consider these
            questions in more detail.                           But what about the husband who refuses to put the cap on
                                                                the toothpaste tube? He comes home from work or a busi-
            Where did the institution of marriage come from? To answer   ness trip and fails to gush about the immaculate condition of
            this question, we must go all the way back to the very begin-  his castle or the lovely improvements that were made while
            ning. “It is not good that the man should be alone” was   he was away. He leaves his clothes on the bedroom fl oor no
            God’s determination in the book of beginnings (Genesis).   matter how enticing the hamper looks. He attacks with words
            When God gave Adam the opportunity to choose a suit-  he later regrets and wants to solve your problems rather than
            able companion, He knew that Adam would not find a bird,   acknowledge or empathize with your feelings. Not to mention

            monkey or even “Man’s Best Friend” suitable. According to   the toilet seat! What about the wife who is never satisfi ed with
            D. James Kennedy’s inspiring book Learning to Live with the   anything you do for her around the house? The lawn doesn’t

            People You Love, “Although Adam enjoyed the companion-  cut itself… She creeps on you using “Find My Phone” and has
            ship of beautiful horses, lovable lions, and cuddly lambs, he   a never-ending list of things for you to do on the weekend.
            did not have a suitable helper. None of the animals could   On the weekend! She belittles you to her sisters on the phone
            meet Adam’s needs, so the Creator designed a completely   and won’t fi x herself up. She waits until you get home from
            new being for man.”                                 work then sends you back out for milk instead of asking you
                                                                to pick it up on the way home. And it goes on and on… Why
            We learn that the woman was built from one of Adam’s ribs   should we have to put up with all that?
            and thus, the two enjoyed a perfect oneness that no other
            couple will ever experience. “They were literally one fl esh   Well, there are at least three very good reasons to do so;

                                                                aft er all, when we really think about it, these irritants are
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