Page 12 - July 2024 Issue
P. 12

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                       by Tolbert Rowe

                                        rst  me Home Buying Gets Tougher and Tougher

                          Buying your  rst home is a tangible   Never have we seen mortgage rates   likelihood of them dropping 1%-2%
                          sign that you have made it, you are   go up so far so fast. Even during the   in the next 12 to 24 months is slim?
                          a grownup.  No more living at home   Jimmy Carter years when interest
                          with Mom and Dad or other family   rates went from 8%-9% in 1977, (the   Housing inventory, or homes
                          members. No more paying rent       year I graduated from high school) to   available for sale will continue to
                          making someone else’s balance sheet   the all time high of 18%-19% in 1981   be very limited and homes that
                          look good by increasing their equity   rates only doubled. Obviously, the late   are realistically priced will attract
                          in the home that they own, but you   1970’s was not a busy time in the real   multiple o ers.  e goal is to make
                          pay them for the right to live in it.  estate market.                 your o er the one that nets the seller
                                                                                                the most proceeds with the least
                           e current market has made         Compare that to now where rates    number of contingencies.
                          the challenge of achieving home    have climbed from a low of 2.5% in
                          ownership much more di cult.       early 2021 to a high of nearly 8% in   If you are considering making the leap
                           e increase in interest rates in   late 2023. Mortgage rates tripled in   and buying your  rst home, you  rst
                          combination with the lack of homes   2.5 years.  Consider that it took four   need some very basic information.
                          on the market has forced many      years for rates to double in the late   Like, “how much will my payment be
                           rst-time buyers to put the dream   1970’s and two and a half years to   at a certain loan amount?”
                          of owning their  rst home on the   triple in the early 2020’s. Can you say,   Do not get emotionally involved
                          back burner of their personal  nance   “Payment Shock!”.              with buying a home if the mortgage
                          stove. Unfortunately, I do not see the                                payment will be more than what you
                          situation getting much better in the   Rates are currently stuck the 7% range   can “reasonably a ord”.  Although
                          near future.                       and will probably stay in this range
                                                             for the rest of 2024.  e consensus for   your mortgage payment will be the
                          Even during all the ups and downs of   Federal Reserve lowering of interest   biggest monthly payment you will be
                          mortgage rates, starting at a peak of   rates is that they may act the end of   responsible for paying, you do have
                          18%-19% in the early 1980’s through   this year.  is is quite the change   other obligations you will be required
                          the relatively stable 1990’s to early   from earlier in the year, when it was   to pay.  e most obvious ones are the
                          2000’s where they stayed in the 6%   projected they would lower rates three   payments you are currently paying
                          -8% range, to the historic lows of 4%   to four times this year.      like car payments and insurance,
                          or lower rates of 2010 to 2020,  rst                                  credit cards, and student loans.
                          time homebuyers have been able to   So, what should you do if you really   As a homeowner you will take on
                          achieve their goal of owning a home.    want to buy a home, be it your  rst or
                                                             a move-up home, and have contented   the added burden of paying property
                          Today, not so much.                yourself that rates will not be as   taxes, homeowners’ insurance, and
                                                             low as they previously were and the   utilities. Can you, with these added
                                                                                                 nancial responsibilities continue
                            “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”                               to live the kind of lifestyle you are
                                                                                                currently living?  Will you have
                                                                                                to sacri ce and stop doing certain
                           P        or R                                                        things, like vacations, to “a ord” a
                                                                                                new mortgage payment. In other
                                                                                                words, how much a mortgage
                                                                                                payment can you “reasonably a ord.”
                                                                                                Too many times in the last several
                            115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  years, it is at this point that my
                                  C. Tolbert Rowe,      conversation with  rst time
                                                                                                homebuyer’s that attitudes change.
                         NMLS         Vice President/Lending
                                                             182844                             Enthusiastic about purchasing a
                                                                                                home at  rst, but in the end very
                             410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                 disappointed at the cost.

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