Page 14 - July 2024 Issue
P. 14

Break Free from Debt

                                                              Shore Legal Access o ers resources that lead to
                                                                              nancial freedom

               American households carry almost 18   Last year Patty* (name changed) stood on   from Patty. And with that, she was free—
               trillion dollars in debt—that’s over $50,000   the edge of losing everything. A debt-  all because she had access to free legal
               per person owed on credit cards, car loans,   buyer, a company that purchases debts   assistance through Shore Legal Access.
               and medical bills. Every day, creditors   from other organizations for pennies on
               sue thousands of people who struggle   the dollar and tries to collect on them,   Derek wasn’t just Patty’s attorney, he was
               to pay debts that are o en the result of   o en using aggressive tactics—had sued   her advocate—for her  nancial stability, for
               circumstances out of their control: for   her for credit card debt it claimed she   her inherent dignity as a human being—in
               example credit cards run up because of   owed. Patty was retired and on a  xed   the face of an unscrupulous corporate
               a lost job, or medical bills that ballooned   income.  e only asset she had was her   entity that only saw her as a source for
               because of a past emergency.       home—if she lost it, she’d have nowhere   pro t. Without Derek, Patty would have
                                                  to go.                             been ripped from her community, leaving
               Legal representation evens the playing                                a hole there never to be  lled. SLA works
                eld for people struggling with their debts.   Patty came to SLA in desperate need of   with many attorneys like Derek, who go
               Shore Legal Access (SLA) makes access to   help. More importantly, she needed to   beyond what is expected to make sure their
               legal assistance available to everyone on   know that someone was on her side during   clients are given the fair chance everyone
               the Eastern Shore. If you have received   this stressful time. She found the help   ought to be due within our legal system.
               a notice that you are in default of your   and support she needed in long-time SLA
               debt or that you are being sued, and   volunteer attorney Derek Hills.   We believe that  nancial stability is the key
               you make less than 50% of Maryland’s                                  to so many of the good things in life. When
               median income, SLA’s sta  and network   In court, Derek argued that the debt-buyer   a  nancial issue becomes a legal issue,
               of dedicated volunteer attorneys can help   was only trying to see what they could   people can count on us to be there.
               you understand your options, assist you   get away with, certain that Patty, like so
               in negotiating with your creditors and, in   many others, would not be able to defend   Get in touch today at 410-690-8128 or
               some cases, represent you in court.  herself. Derek proved to the court that the   complete an online intake at
                                                  debt-buyer had no right to collect any debt


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