Page 20 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 20
cancel due to fear such as Covid-19, travel insurance policy is best for your
you need to purchase “cancel for any vacation.
Let’s Travel!
reason” travel protection. If the airlines
by Pam Keating,your trusted travel Again, please use a local travel advisor.
and resorts are still operating they
advisor, from Pam’s Travel Biz LLC Most do not charge a planning fee and
will not give you a refund based on a
Many of us are spending the new pandemic unless you have purchased will respond to your email or pick up
"normal" due to Covid 19 reading, “cancel for any reason” travel protection the telephone if you have any questions
going on walks outside and connecting or have a covered reason. Th is product concerning your travel investment.
with family and friends via the internet. would provide you with a refund in (Due to Covid-19 some travel agencies
After sheltering at home for some time approximately 90 days for the full are charging a fee if you cancel; please
now I wanted to take this opportunity amount of your travel investment ask your travel advisor about their
to offer some peace of mind and advice less the cost of the travel protection. terms and conditions.)
for when you are ready to plan your Otherwise most airlines and resorts Please visit to
next celebratory vacation outside of are offering future credits for travel keep up with our blog, podcast and how
the U.S. From my experience, since up to 2022 if you do not have “cancel to follow us on social media. Wishing
late March many of our clients have for any reason” or a covered reason you ocean views, rainbows and sandy
had to postpone destination weddings, for cancelling as stated on your policy. toes in the very near future.
honeymoons, milestone birthdays and Please ask your travel advisor which
graduation trips. Now is the time to
start planning for 2021.
Sponsor a Hanging Basket
Here are some real heartfelt suggestions
based on our personal experiences:
Includes a plaque with business name or family name.
First and foremost always use a local
travel advisor that specializes in Or purchase in honor or in memory of a special person.
your destination and is familiar with
your preferences. For instance, make Only $35 per basket
sure they are knowledgeable in the
destination, well travelled and pay
attention to your special interests such
as resort amenities and activities. Th ey
will do hours of research at no cost to
you. They do not get paid until you Mail checks and completed
return from your vacation. Yes, that's form to DDMS by 6/5/2020
right, most travel advisors do not 323 Market Street
charge a fee for planning your vacation. Denton, MD 21629
Use a credit card to make your bookings; For more information contact
never give anyone cash or even a debit 410-924-2328
card for travel. If the company used goes
out of business you will not have the
choice to dispute the charges. I would
never suggest disputing charges unless 0$.( '(1721 %/220
you were not provided with the service.
According to https://www.consumer. SPONSOR A HANGING BASKET
card-charges you must file a report on IN DOWNTOWN DENTON
a disputed purchase within 60 days of
the statement date on which the charge Your Name/Business Name:
appeared. Also, when possible, make
final payments 45 days or less prior to In Honor/Memory of:
departure. The news has been full of Address:
reports wondering if airlines, cruise
lines and resorts will make it through Phone: Email:
these times of border closings.
Take out the proper travel insurance
that is right for you. If you would