Page 22 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 22

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      
                                     by Jeanne Trice

            What’s New at the Library?             Friday. If it goes to voicemail, we   morning around 11 AM for fi ngerplays,
                                                   are helping someone else. Please   songs, and of course, lots of great books!
                 We have a new website!            leave a message and we will call   We occasionally offer Storytime in
                                                   you back!                     Spanish or American Sign Language,
            Check out our new, easier-to-use website
                                                                                 too! If you missed them, no worries!
            at                 •  You may also email us at info@
                                                                                 Watch them whenever you want on our
            It features easy access to the resources or send us a message   new website.
            you need for school and home, with a   on Facebook.
            focus on all things digital to keep you   •  If you need help with technology,   Looking for something to
            connected.                             we can now help over the phone.         do at home?
                                                   Call 410-479-1343, Ext. 106,
              Trusted COVID-19 information                                       Visit Virtual Events and Boredom
                                                   Monday - Friday, from 1-5 PM,   Busters on our website!
            Get trusted, reliable information      and talk to one of our tech-savvy
            about Covid-19 at the County’s         staff  members.                  •  Explore your family history - the
            Emergency Operations Center website,                                      Denton Journal and Ancestry
                        Reopening update                Library Edition sites are available

                                               The library does not have a reopening   at home during the COVID-19
            Your Virtual Branch of the library                                        response.
             is still open – online and now on   date at this time. We plan to reopen
                                               when the State, County, and Board of   •  Read, watch, listen - Access
                      the phone!
                                               Library Trustees deem it is safe to do so.   Hoopla or Libby by Overdrive
            We know you still need the services you   In the meantime, we are working hard   from your computer, tablet, or
            normally access inside the library, so we   to create new procedures that will allow   smartphone.
            have been working to bring them to you   everyone to visit safely. We miss you
            in a way that allows for safety and social   and look forward to seeing you when   •  Learn to cook – watch our staff
            distancing.                        we reopen!                             member Dylan’s short, simple
                                                                                      cooking videos, which are both
              •  If you have a question or need   Have you been virtually visiting    educational and a lot of fun!
                information, you can now call     Storytime every weekday?
                the Central Library number,                                        •  Join a book group – Hooked on
                410-479-1343, Ext. 106 from    Ms. Amanda and Ms. Mina bring          Books is meeting monthly via
                10 AM-6 PM, Monday through     Storytime to Facebook each weekday     Zoom. We welcome newcomers.
                                                                                      Email and ask
                                                                                      to be added to the group. We will
                                                                                      email you about the upcoming
              STAY HOME.                                                              title.
                                                                                   •  Learn a new language – Mango
              STAY SAFE.                                                              offers easy-to-use over 72

                                                                                      languages and many languages
              CALL YOUR LIBRARY!                                                      for English as a second language
                                                                                   •  Entertain the kids – visit  the
                                                                                      “Children and Families” section
              While our doors are closed, your library staff is still
                                                                                      of our website for stories,
              working to provide you with the information you need!
                                                                                      activities, and learning.
                                                                                   Makerspace team creates over
              Call 410-479-1343 Ext. 106, M-F, 10 am-6 pm,                                400 face shields
              email, or
                                                                                 Our MakerSpace team has  been hard at
              message                              work printing out protective face shields

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