Page 26 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 26

Caroline County                 Remember, no brand names should be   we can say it helped us and gave us a
                                               used in your poster!              stronger program. We saw, this year, the
                 Family YMCA                                                     highest number of mentors we’ve had in
                                               All posters should meet the minimum
                46 Denton Plaza, Denton        standards:                        the past three years as well as new and
                                                                                 different services within our program
                                                •  Paper size: 8 1/2 by 11 inches   that significantly added to the mentor-

                                                   minimum and 11 by 17 inches   mentee relationships and, in some cases,

                     Thursday, June 4              maximum.                      the mentee-parent relationships. One

              Graduation Celebration Caravan    •  Posters must be created by hand   of those services we offered were online
                                                                                 trainings to our mentors to ensure they
             CRHS Parking Lot / Depart at Noon     (paint, crayon, pen etc.).
                                                                                 had the necessary tools to provide a
                                                •  No computer generated
            Join us to honor our Colonel                                         quality service based on trust.
                                                   submissions will be considered
            Richardson High School Seniors
                                                   (including clip art).         In November 2019, the YMCA Caroline
            with a caravan around Federalsburg
                                                                                 Mentoring Project received a nomination
            and Preston. For more information,   •  Text may be included, but it must
                                                                                 for Mentor Program of the Year 2019 and
            email at carolineymcamentoring@        be clear and readable. Check
                                                                                 Mr. Tony Gianninotto, former program
                       your spelling!
                                                                                 coordinator (2011-2017), was one of the
                      Friday, June 5            •  Do not use glitter.           top five finalist for Mentor of the Year
              Graduation Celebration Caravan    • The use of celebrities, cartoons,   2019 as part of the Maryland United 4

             YMCA Parking Lot / Depart 11 AM       video game characters or movie/  Youth Conference.
                                                   TV characters is not allowed.  We were also blessed to be able to create
            Join us to honor our North Caroline

            High School Seniors with a caravan   • The name and grade of the artist   numerous partnerships and collaborations
            around Denton, Ridgely, Greensboro,    must be printed neatly on the   with approximately 20 different
            Henderon and Marydel. For more infor-  back of the poster.           organizations and local businesses. A few
            mation, email at carolineymcamentor-  •  Do not sign the front of the   of those being: Maryland Mentor, CASA
                  poster.                       of Caroline, Caroline Agape Project,
                                                                                 Patti’s Petals Florist, Nich’s Coff ee Shop,
                     Monday, June 8             •  Only one entry per youth will be   Caroline County Public Library, and
              Maryland Food Bank Food Drive        accepted.                     Caroline County Public Schools.
              YMCA Parking Lot / 8 AM - 4 PM   Deadline                          During this pandemic, the Caroline
                                               Poster pictures should be submitted by   County Family YMCA was forced to
              Caroline County Family YMCA      Monday June 1.                    close its doors by order of the Governor,
             Tobacco Prevention Awareness                                        but thanks to partnerships with Cricket
                                               S e nd p i c t ur es b y  ema i l to
                     Poster Contest                                              Together and ICouldBe, the YMCA
                                               ca r o line y mca m en to rin g @
                                                                                 Caroline Mentoring Project was able to
            The Caroline County Family YMCA
                                                                                 continue offering our services virtually

            is calling on all young people in our
                                               Prizes                            allowing us to maintain contact between
            community to join in raising awareness
                                               Prizes will be given for each age category.   mentors and mentees through educational
            of the dangers of smoking/tobacco
                                               Age categories are as follows:    digital platforms.
            products. Three winning posters will
            be chosen to be used as part of the   •  5-8 years old               As the current program coordinator,
            activities during the Caroline County   •  9-13 years old            I would like to thank the heart of this
            Family YMCA Tobacco Prevention                                       program; our mentors. People who off er
                                                •  14-18 years old
            Week between June 8-12.                                              their time and talents to change lives

                                               Letter from Program Coordinator   forever. The success of this program will
            Poster Criteria:
                                                                                 always be because of your great work,
            Students will create an original poster   Hi All,                    effort, dedication, and passion. I cannot

            reflecting why we shouldn’t use tobacco

                                               The 2019-2020 school year was one of   find the words to describe how grateful I
            products. Students can also creatively

                                               challenges, growth, and achievement.   am for each of you. The world needs more
            express why the use of nicotine
                                               During the year 2019-2020, the YMCA   people like you.
            products (cigarettes, cigarillos, chewing
                                               Caroline Mentoring Project faced
            tobacco, pipes etc.) is just as harmful                              2019-2020 was undoubtedly a year of
                                               challenges that undoubtedly helped us
            to the body. The poster should have                                  changes and challenges for our program,
                                               grow. Recruitment, services, quality, and
            a positive message, as well as include                               but we look to 2020-2021 to be the year of
                                               training were some of those challenges we
            ways that smoking impacts a youth’s life.                            evolution. We look at next year to be the
                                               had to overcome and we feel that today   year we take our program to another level.
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