Page 31 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 31

Fighting Lead Exposure       addition to being more likely to put   difficult to avoid. Visit the Centers for

                   Through Nutrition           non-food items that might contain lead   Disease Control and Prevention for
                                               in their mouth.                    more on lead in the water supply.
                Submitted By : La’Tara Brooks  How to Avoid Lead                  To minimize exposure to lead:
             Caroline County Health Department  Lead is most likely to be consumed as
                                                                                   •  Always wash your hands and
            Although exposure to lead has      lead-based paint in and outside the    ensure children wash their hands
            decreased within the last two decades,   home — peels, chips or cracks — and   with uncontaminated water
            it is still a concern and caution is   ends up being consumed because it is   before eating.
            advised, especially for children who   on toys or other surfaces that kids put   •  Do not use imported pottery or
            have access to toys with lead-based   in their mouth. When lead is present in   leaded crystal to store or serve
            paint or individuals who live in older   the water system, it can become more
            homes. In some instances, lead can
            leach from the main water pipes and                        KEEP THE BEAT
            into the household water supply. If
            exposed to lead, eating a healthy diet
            can help reduce its absorption by the                      CPR & First Aid Training
                                                                       Training for:  • Boat Captains
            What Are the Dangers of Lead?
                                                                       • Healthcare  • Coaches...
            When lead is consumed, research shows   CPR and First Aid   • Daycare   we do them all!
            it can cause learning and behavior   valid for 2 years
            problems.  As it accumulates, it can                       410-758-2022                   Quality, fun
            cause lasting problems with growth   WE ARE AHA INSTRUCTORS  147 Log Canoe Cir.
                                                                                                      & aff  ordable
            and development. Infants and children   For upcoming classes:   Stevensville, MD 21666
            are at a higher risk because they absorb
            lead more quickly than adults, in

                                                                  to our

              DENTON MEDICAL CENTER                     new dentist
              808 S. Fifth Ave.
              410-479-2650         New            Vanessa Moore, DDS
              FEDERALSBURG                                           Dr. Moore completed her Pediatric Dental
              MEDICAL CENTER                                         Residency program at Children’s National
                                                                     Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and
              215 Bloomingdale Ave.
                                                                     graduated dental school from the University
              Medical Center  410-754-9021
                                                                     of Maryland School of Dentistry in Balti-
              Dental Center  410-754-7583
                                                                     more, MD.
              MEDICAL CENTER                                         Dr. Moore is accepting patients at our new
              316 Railroad Ave.                                      Denton Dental Center and Goldsboro
              Medical  Center  410-634-2380                          Center locations.
              Dental Center  410-482-2224

                       Accepting                   CHOPTANK COMMUNITY HEALTH SINCE 1980
                     New Patients               FAMILY PRACTICE  •  PEDIATRICS  •  DENTAL CARE

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