Page 35 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 35


                                                                     Š¤    Mirror

                                                                            Beauty Shoppe
                                                  Serving Women, omen,
                                                  S er vin g g  W
                                                                             CUTS  •  PERMS  •  COLOR
                                                  Men, Children              C U TS   •  PERM S   •   CO L O R
                                                                                HI-LITES  •  WAXING
                                                                                HI  LITES  W AXING
                                                                                HI-LITES  •  WAXING
                                                ၹႁၿၸဖၺၸၺၸ                 370 Deep Shore Rd  •  Denton, MD
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            In May, Lions supplied a hospital bed to   reading this and have some good used   For Humanity, Maryland School For Th e
            assist a Denton man caring for his wife at   durable medical equipment that you   Deaf and the Giving Grace Food Pantry.
            home under the direction of a residential   would like to donate to our project let
            hospice agency. A second hospital bed   us know. We will even pick it up. The   As you may be aware, the Marydel Lions
            was delivered to a Ridgely area gentle-  Lions Clubs International motto is “We   Club’s fundraising policy requires us to
            man who was sleeping in a recliner while   Serve”, so if we can serve you or you   return 100% of all of the funds raised
            trying to rehab at home. We got a call   can help us serve others, let us know.     by our various events to the programs
            from a patient’s daughter in St. Michaels,   Contact us at   and projects that support the children,
            who needed a hospital bed to care for   or 443-786-2547.             youth, families, adults and seniors in
            her mother recovering from a fall where                              our service area.  As soon as the Club
            she broke her femur. A fourth call came   Marydel Lions Club Continues  members receive permission from
            from a visiting home nurse who needed   to Provide Grants in These   the authorities, we will resume our
            to replace a broken hospital bed for an   Challenging Times!         fundraising events with advertisements
            MS patient who resides in Trappe.                                    placed in the well read and widely
                                                                                 distributed Caroline Review.
                                               The current challenges of a serious
            If you know of someone in need of assis-
                                               pandemic and sheltering in place for the
            tance, have their caregiver or health-                               We are always ready to welcome folks
                                               members of the Marydel Lions Club have
            care provider contact the Ridgely or                                 into membership who want to share
                                               not kept the Club from providing grants
            Greensboro Lions Clubs to see if we                                  their time and talents with a group of
                                               to various local and regional groups that,
            are able to help. Message us at www.                                 dedicated men and women that are in
                                               in turn, aid folks and families in the
    at Ridgely Lions Club or                               the Marydel Lions Club. Membership
                                               Club’s service area. Recent grants have
            Greensboro MD Lions Club. If you are                                 information is available at tmhiggins59@
                                               been forwarded to Tuckahoe Habitat
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