Page 32 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 32

The Denton Farmers Market is
                                     Please Join Us the First and Third Sundays    open Tuesdays from 3-6 PM in the
                                     of every Month for Worship & Fellowship       4th and Gay Street parking lot.
                                                                                   Park in the 3rd Street parking lot
                                           Quality Inn, Easton at 9:30 a.m.
                                                                                   and enter through the Community
                                              For more information:
                                                                                   We practice social distancing, so
                                          you must wear a face mask. There
                                              or call 443-385-0702                 is a wash station and vendors have
                                     EXAMS & CERTIFICATES                          The market has fresh eggs, plants

                                     •  Truck/Bus Drivers                          for the garden, flowers, fruits and
                                                                                   vegetables, Purple Peake CBD
                                     •  Basic Med for Pilots                       products, Farm to Fork Fresh
                                     •  Coast Guard for Boaters                    hydroponic herbs and vegetables.
                                     •  Pre-Op for Upcoming Surgery                Also, Luck and Love Homestead -
                                                                                   sourdough bread, assorted spices,
                                            Board Certified                        coffee beans, vegetables and

                                       Occupational Medicine                       more. New vendors every week!
                                                                                   Contact manager@
                                             C.E. Jensen, MD              if
                                      Denton, MD 410-924-8560                      interested in being a vendor.

                                               Eat a Healthy Diet to Help Decrease
              •  Use an NSF-certifi ed fi lter on
                                               Lead Absorption                     •  Lean red meats
                your faucet for drinking water,
                                               When there is nutritious food in the

                food preparation and cooking,                                      • Iron-fortified cereal, bread and
                                               body, it is more difficult for lead to be

                and be sure to change the fi lter                                      pasta
                                               absorbed. Make sure your diet is rich
                cartridge by the date printed on                                   •  Dried fruit, such as raisins and
                                               in important nutrients such as calcium,
                the package. If a filter or bottled                                    prunes

                                               iron and vitamin C.
                water are unavailable, visit the
                                                                                   •  Beans and lentils
                CDC’s source on lead to reduce   Calcium keeps your bones strong
                or eliminate lead in tap water by   and the lead out. Calcium-rich foods   Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron
                using only cold tap water that has   include:                    better, but also may help with getting
                been thoroughly fl ushed from    •  Milk and milk products, such as   rid of lead. Foods rich in vitamin C
                the pipes. Boiling water will not   yogurt and cheese            include:
                reduce the presence of lead.
                                                •  Green leafy vegetables, including   •  Citrus fruits, such as oranges and
              •  Regularly clean toys, pacifi ers,
                                                   kale and turnip, mustard and       grapefruit
                floors, windowsills and other

                                                   collard greens
                surfaces using liquid cleaners                                     •  Other fruits such as kiwi,

                that control dust.              • Calcium-fortified foods, such as     strawberries and melon
                                                   orange juice, soy milk and tofu
              •  Wipe or remove shoes before                                       •  Tomatoes, Potatoes, Peppers
                entering your home.             •  Canned salmon and sardines
                                                                                 Information provided by Bethany
              •  Get your home tested for lead if   Iron also blocks lead from being   Thayer, MS, RDN, FAND, is a Detroit-

                it was built before 1978.      absorbed. Try these iron-rich foods:  based registered dietitian nutritionist.
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