Page 28 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 28

at a time when it is critical for everyone   choices and teaches his children integ-
                             CASA              to achieve optimal health.        rity, respect and responsibility.  Studies
                                                                                 show children of involved fathers are less
                          Court Appointed      His first tip for healthy dad’s? Exercise!

                          Special Advocate     Break the sedentary lifestyle routine and   likely to drop out of school, engage in
                                                                                 risky behaviors, and break the law. Th ey
                                               develop healthy routines. At least 30-60
                                                                                 are more likely to have high IQ scores,
                                               minutes of daily exercise is essential to
                                                                                 pursue healthy relationships, and hold
                 Healthy Dads Mean             reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease
                                               and a host of other diseases.   “I’ve started   jobs.  Available and engaged fathers raise
                  Healthy Families                                               successful children. Healthy dads raise
                                               going on bike rides with my daughter
            The Coronavirus Pandemic has demon-  and she looks forward to our ‘adven-  healthy families. And isn’t that what all

                                                                                 parents want?
            strated the importance of good health.   tures’! Sometimes we start our trip with a
            As we celebrate National Men’s Health   scavenger hunt list to make it more inter-  We asked some local dads to share their
            Month and Father’s Day, CASA of    esting.” He suggests dads exercise with   #1 tip for healthy dads and here’s what
            Caroline is encouraging men to take   their kids to develop healthier family   they had to say:
            an active role in their children’s lives   habits but also stresses the importance
                                                                                 Brian Byrnes, Executive Director, Caro-
            by focusing on their own physical and   of dads exercising on their own. Go for
                                                                                 line Family YMCA – “My #1 health tip
            mental well-being.  Mr. Isaiah Greene,   a walk or jog and use it as a time to clear
                                                                                 is to start any and all regimens in the
            Case Manager with Caroline County   your head. Taking that 30 minutes for
                                                                                 kitchen.  I really enjoy working out but
            Department of Social Services and   your own physical and mental health can   I see so much more progress when I am

            their R.I.S.E. (Re-Engaging Individu-  mean all the difference between a good   mindful of the food and drinks I take in.”
            als Through Successful Employment)   dad and a great one.

            and D.A.D.S. programs, says the biggest   Tip #2 is to read! Good dads read   Sheriff Randy Bounds, Caroline County
            challenge he sees for dads in our commu-                             Sheriff ’s Dept. – “My #1 health tip for
                                               bedtime stories to their children but great
            nity is dealing with stress.  “Stress has a                          Dads is to stop chasing lists and follow
                                               dads make time to read about their own
            major impact on the mental and physi-                                your heart! I’ve learned over time that
                                               interests too. Reading promotes empa-
            cal health of everyone but the pandemic                              some of the greatest moments in life don’t
                                               thy,  builds your vocabulary, improves
            has increased that stress ten-fold for                               come via lists.  They are spontaneous
                                               cognitive thinking, and may help in the

            men in particular”, said Mr. Greene.  He                             and fleeting. More often than not, they
                                               prevention of dementia.  When dads
            suggested three ways dads can relieve   read, they encourage their children to do   occur at the most inopportune times. I
            stress for themselves and their children                             was working in the yard last week when
                                               the same. For current fiction, Mr. Greene   my 4-year-old granddaughter asked if

                                               recommends “The Embers of the Heart”

                                                                                 I wanted to play frisbee.  Thinking of
                                               or anything else by Dwight BoNey. But   what remained on my day’s “to-do” list,
                                               his top pick overall is “Be the Dad She
                                                                                 I almost turned her down.  Instead, I
                                               Needs You to Be” by Dr. Kevin Leman.
                                               His third tip is eat healthy! He believes
                                               you are what you eat and is influenc-

             Perfect Touch                     ing his daughter to make healthier food
                                               choices. “I love to eat out! But with the
                 Hair Design                   pandemic, we can’t do that so my daugh-
                                               ter and I have been discovering new reci-
                                               pes.”  He says they not only feel healthier,
                                               they’re also developing a shared love
               1143 Shore Hwy. Dento
               1143 Shore Hwy. Dentonn
                                               of cooking. “Our new favorite meal is
                   410-479-28333               Mississippi Pot Roast! The amount of
                                               money I’ve saved by cooking at home
             Ann Draper & Lisa Young (Murray), Stylists
                                               is a real eye opener too. Not only do we

                    Over 30 years              prepare a fresh, healthy meal together,
                  combined  experience
                  combined  experience         but I can also eff ectively plan lunch for
                                               the next day when there are left overs!”
                 Appointments Appreciated      It takes a lot of work to be a great dad!
                     Walk-Ins Welcome          The work is endless and, oftentimes,
                     Walk-Ins Welcome
                                               thankless. But in the end, it shows in the
                             9 a.m. - 7
                Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.m.  sound, well-adjusted children he raises.
                       - F
                Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon
                Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon  A good father can have tremendous
                                               impact on a child’s life, and a great one

                                               can make all the difference.  A great dad   Sheriff Randy Bounds, Caroline County
                                               leads by example, adopts healthy lifestyle   Sheriff ’s Dept. with his grandchildren.
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