Page 30 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 30

H      ealth        C    orner            Tips, Classes and

                                                                                  Programs to help
                                                                                  you live healthier!

                                               other smoking-related illnesses.  Avoid   Manage Stress!
                                               secondhand smoke as well. Inhaling   Sometimes stress can be good.  However,
                                               other people’s smoke causes similar   it can be harmful when it is severe
                                               health problems that smokers have.  enough to make you feel overwhelmed
                 June is National Men’s        Move More!                        and out of control.  Your lifestyle habits
                     Health Month!             Adults need at least 2 1/2 hours of   may suff er and so might your immune
                                                                                 system. Take care of yourself.   Avoid
                                               moderate-intensity aerobic activity
              Submitted by Leigh Marquess, RN,   each week such as brisk walking,   drugs and alcohol. Connect socially.
            Director for Wellness Promotions at the   basketball, bike riding, and swimming.   Stay active.
             Caroline County Health Department.  You don’t have to do it all at once.     Get Good Sleep!
                                               Spread your activity out during the   Not enough sleep is associated
            Men, during these challenging times   week, 30 minutes or more a day.  with a number of chronic diseases
            with the COVID-19 virus still present                                and conditions, such as diabetes,
            in our community, it is oft en  hard   Eat Healthy!                  cardiovascular disease, obesity and
            to make your own health a priority!   Choose a variety of fresh fruits and   depression.  It is also responsible or
            However it is so important for all of us   veggies, whole grains, high fi ber foods   motor vehicle and machinery-related
            to be taking care of ourselves so we can   and lean sources of protein, such as fi sh.     accidents.  In general, adults need 7-9
            come out stronger and healthier when   Limit foods and drinks high in calories,   hours of sleep a night.
            this pandemic resolves!            sugar, salt, and fat.
                                                                                 Get Your Routine Health Screenings!
            Many of the leading causes of death   Limit Alcohol!                 Don’t wait to visit your Primary Care
            among men (heart disease, stroke,   If you choose to drink alcohol, do so   Provider until something is seriously
            cancer and chronic lower respiratory   only in moderation.  For men, that   wrong. They can be your best ally

            disease) can be prevented.  Th e Center   means up to two drinks a day if you   for  preventing  health  problems.
            for Disease Control and Prevention   are younger than 65, one drink per day   Follow their recommendations for
            (CDC) and The Mayo Clinic suggest   if you are older than 65.  Too much   health screenings for Colorectal

            many things you can do every day to   alcohol can raise your blood pressure   Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Oral Cancer,
            improve your health and stay healthy:  and increase your risk for liver cancer.
                                                                                 Depression, Diabetes, High Blood
            Toss out the Tobacco!              Maintain a Healthy Weight!        Pressure, High Cholesterol, Abdominal
            It is never too late to quit. Quitting   Losing excess pounds and keeping   Aortic Aneurysm (AAA), and Obesity.

            smoking has immediate and long-    them off can lower your risk of heart
                                                                                 *Th e  Caroline  County   Health

            term benefits. It lowers your risk of   disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, as well
                                                                                 Department Wellness Promotions offi  ce
            heart disease, cancer, lung disease and   as various types of cancer.
                                                                                 (funded in part through the Maryland
                                                                                 Cigarette Restitution Fund) off ers
                                                                                 Colorectal, Breast and Cervical Cancer
                           Joseph H. McCarthy, D.D.S., P.A.                      screenings at no cost to you, for those
                                                                                 who qualify.
                       FAMILY DENTAL CARE                                        *We also offer a No-Cost Tobacco

                                                                                 Cessation program with referral to
                                                                                 The Maryland Quit line ‘Fax to assist’

                                                                                 program to help you quit for good!
                        Accepting New Patients

                                                                                 Staff is available to educate people on the
                     Evening & Saturday Appointments Available                   effects of smoking /vaping and keeping

                                                                                 nicotine products out of the hands of our
                                            410-482-2242                         youth. For more information, please call
                                                                                 our offi  ce at 410-479-8080.
                         13155 Greensboro Rd - Greensboro, MD

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