Page 34 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 34

We got a request from a husband in Greensboro who was
                                                                acting as his wife’s caregiver and he needed a hospital bed and
                            Lions Clubs of Caroline             a shower chair so she could rehab at home following her back
                                                                surgery. After determining that no one in the house had any

                                                                flu-like symptoms or exposure to Covid-19, we were able to

                                                                safely deliver both items.
                 Lions Continue to Assist Local Residents                      Lions 22B’s District Governor John Lawrence referred a Kent
                       During Covid-19 Quarantine               county mother who wanted to donate her late son’s pediatric
                                                                wheelchairs so someone else might be able to make use of these
            The Ridgely & Greensboro Lions Clubs operate a Durable   valuable pieces of equipment. So with the help of Chestertown
            Medical Equipment Loan Closet in our local community.   Lion Richard Coffman, we donned our PPE and took posses-

            We do this by re-purposing good used medical equipment to   sion of a Quickie QM-710 electric wheelchair and a Sunrise
            people in need. Most referrals come from local healthcare and   Medical Zippie GS manual wheelchair.  So if you have a need
            social service providers. Due to the coronavirus (Covid-19),   for or know of someone who might need a pediatric wheel
            these referrals have been greatly reduced, so Lions have had to   chair, give us a call.
            modify their distribution of medical equipment by screening

            clients and caregivers about any exposures to Covid-19 and   The Upper Shore Aging office in Chestertown is one of the
            utilizing proper PPE (personal protective equipment) to make   agencies that partners with Lions to help provide medical

            deliveries and set-ups in client’s homes.           equipment to local residents. They had a family in Denton
                                                                who needed an electric stair lift to assist a gentleman coming

            In April and May, Lions were able to assist several individuals in   home from a rehab facility. The family’s Denton home has

            our community who needed some help for both the patient and   only one full bathroom on the second floor. A donor in Trappe
            their caregivers. One family had their mother/grandmother   had a stair lift to donate but the family had no way to get it

            coming home from a senior care facility after being cleared of   to their Denton residence. Borrowing a trailer from a friend,

            any coronavirus infection. We were able to provide them with a   Ridgely Lion Dave Davis was able to get the stair lift  delivered
            residential hospital bed and a bedside table so she could safely   to Denton.
            social distance at home with her family.

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