Page 40 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 40

On a different note, ask yourself what   or even time. I am asking you to write   your primary care provider about your
            positive things have come out of this   about your experiences during these   concerns; start the conversation.
            mess for you and yours? Send me an   times and mail it to me: Carole Friend
                                                                                 What Is Dementia?
            email at and   c/o CMADC 403 S. 7th St.,. Denton MD,
                                                                                 Dementia is the loss of cognitive
            let me know!                       21629. You may remain anonymous. I
                                                                                 functioning—thinking, remembering,
                                               promise you I will read your stories.
              Medical Adult                    As our community begins reopening,   and reasoning—and behavioral abilities
                                                                                 to such an extent that it interferes with
                   Day Care                    we all continue to practice safety   a person’s daily life and activities. Th ese
                                               measures such a mask wearing and
                                                                                 functions include memory, language
                                               safe distancing. Caroline Medical Adult   skills, visual perception, problem solving,
                 by Carole Friend LMSW         Day Care assiduously continues to   self-management, and the ability to focus
                                               practice the safest of measures for our   and pay attention. Some people with
             Staying Safe, Staying Connected    clients, staff, and community. While we   dementia cannot control their emotions,

                June 20 The Longest Day        wait for a safer time where we all can   and their personalities may change.
                                               gather together to care for clients and   Dementia ranges in severity from the
            Through these times of uncertainty,
                                               caregivers, we would like to remind   mildest stage, when it is just beginning
            Caroline Medical Adult Day Care
                                               everyone we haven’t stopped caring.    to affect a person’s functioning, to the

            would like to express our gratitude to
            all frontline workers and support service   June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness   most severe stage, when the person must

            staff members once again. It cannot be   Month. We are asking that all wear purple   depend completely on others for basic
            stated enough; thank you for all your   on the longest day, June 20 to recognize   activities of living.

            efforts and unwavering diligence as you   the efforts upheld by supporters, family   Signs and symptoms of dementia result
            demonstrate dedication and courage   members, and caregivers of individuals   when once-healthy neurons (nerve
            during these uncharted challenges.   with Alzheimer’s disease and other   cells) in the brain stop working, lose
            Thank you again.                   forms of dementia.                connections with other brain cells, and

                                                                                 die. While everyone loses some neurons
            For those who have  experienced    Caroline Medical Adult Day Care
            suff ering and loss, we only fall short of   would like all to know that in many   as they age, people with dementia
            words to express the sadness. In these   circumstances Medicare will reimburse   experience far greater loss.
            difficult times we can only offer our   primary care doctors who conduct   While dementia is more common as
            heartfelt condolences. One thing is   an Alzheimer’s evaluation and offer   people grow older (up to half of all
            certain, we have all been changed, things   information about care planning to   people age 85 or older may have some
            have certainly changed.            patients with cognitive impairment.   form of dementia), it is not a normal
                                               Testing for Alzheimer’s disease can   part of aging. Many people live into
            With that being said, once again we
                                               involve taking a thorough medical   their 90s and beyond without any signs
            would like to offer an outlet; tell us about

                                               history, testing a patient’s mental status,   of dementia. One type of dementia,
            your losses. Understanding some have
                                               doing a comprehensive physical and   frontotemporal disorders, is more
            loss of family or friends, some loss of
                                               neurological exam, and conducting   common in middle-aged than older
            jobs, financial security or social supports

                                               blood tests and brain imaging. Talk with   adults.
                          TURNING 65?                                            The causes of dementia can vary
                                                                                 depending on the types of brain changes
                                                                                 that may be taking place. Alzheimer’s
               Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?                  disease is the most common cause
                                   Let Me Help You!                              of dementia in older adults. Other
                                                                                 dementias include Lewy body dementia,
                                                                                 frontotemporal disorders, and vascular
                          Anthony Insurance Services                             dementia. It is common for people to
                                                                                 have mixed dementia—a combination
                          Ann M. Anthony                                         of two or more types of dementia.
                                                                                 For example, some people have both
                                                                                 Alzheimer’s disease and vascular
                    Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans,                 dementia.
                  Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans,               Preventing Alzheimer’s disease:
               Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance             As they get older, many people worry
               Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 •  about developing Alzheimer’s disease
                           22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629                  or a related dementia. If they have a

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