Page 45 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 45

Celebrating Our Community’s                       and directors and managers in
                                                                several key areas -- has done a
                Health Care Heroes During                       masterful job of preparing for
                   National Hospital Week                       the possibility of a surge in
                                                                COVID-19 patients. We are
                                                                now prepared for twice our
            Hospital Week – always the second week of May – takes on   normal, total bed capacity
            a special meaning this year as health care workers across   between our three hospitals,
            the nation and here on Delmarva find themselves caring for   and quadruple the number of

            patients in the midst of the first pandemic in just over a century.   intensive care beds.
            This year, University of Maryland Medical System elected to

            fold Nurses Week, May 6-12, and Hospital Week, May 10-16,   For frontline workers and also
            into a single celebration of Health Care Heroes Week. As chair-  those behind the scenes, each
            man of the UM Shore Regional Health Board of Directors,   day brings new demands and   Keith McMahan,
            and on behalf of the entire board, I’d like to commend all our   parameters in providing safe,   chairman of the

            team members who certainly deserve this special recognition.  effective care to both COVID   University of Maryland
                                                                and non-COVID patients.
            In the past several weeks, I have had the privilege of witness-  There is no “business as usual”   Shore Regional Health

            ing the amazing dedication, professionalism, creativity and   in our hospitals, and in most   Board of Directors.
            teamwork of the UM SRH workforce as they navigate the   areas, these essential workers
            extraordinary challenges posed by COVID-19. Working with   assume some degree of personal risk -- and in many cases,
            the guidance and support of University of Maryland Medi-  greater stress and fatigue.
            cal System and in cooperation with the emergency opera-
            tions teams of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and   I am grateful that even before Health Care Heroes Week was
            Talbot counties, the UM SRH Incident Command Structure   declared, our local communities – including individuals, busi-
            (ICS) – a broad team including physician and nurse leaders,   nesses, churches, civic groups and more – have been treating
                                                                Shore health care workers and first responders throughout

                                                                the region as heroes. Donations of meals, snacks, treats and
                                                                much-needed supplies have poured in from all quarters, week
                       Hoping to keep you safe,
                                                                aft er week.
                   we will open as soon as we can!
                  TENTATIVE OPEN DATE IS JUNE 1ST               In turn, UM Shore Regional Health is giving back to our

                                                                communities with a $5,000 gift to the Maryland Food Bank,
                                                                designated to the outlets serving our five-county region. It is

                                                                both amazing and gratifying to me that our hard-working
                                                                heroes at Shore have followed suit by launching their own
                               in Ridgely                       collection drive this month to benefit local food banks. We

                                                                are truly “in this together” as we all pitch in wherever help is
                       AFFORDABLE HAIR CARE
                       AFFORDABLE HAIR CARE                     needed.
                                                                We have lost members of our community to COVID-19, and
                        Men, Women & Children
                                                                every loss is hard to bear not only for loved ones and friends,
                     Cuts  –  Color  – Hi-Lites  –  Foils       but also for UM SRH frontline team members working so hard
                  Perms  –  Nails  –  Waxing – Pedicures        to save every life. Mercifully, so far, many of our patients have
                                                                survived COVID-19, and every patient who recovers enough
                                                                to go home is a cause for celebration.
                                                                For now, each of us can support the health care heroes who
                                                                made those recoveries possible by following guidelines to
                           We miss you all!                     reduce the spread of COVID-19 – wearing our masks, wash-
                        Trish Puckett, Stylist & Barber;        ing our hands and maintaining our “social distance” as long as

                       Stylist: Crystal, Kristi, and Hannah     needed. UMMS offers excellent resources for anyone seeking
                                                                more information about COVID-19 and what to do if you
                                                                suspect that you or a family member may have contracted the
                 Tues.-Fri. 10-7;                               disease. Visit or call the
                   Sat. 10-3               7 N. Central Ave.,   24-7 nurse hotline, 1-888-713-0711. And please, be safe.
                                             Ridgely, MD

                     Happy Father’s Day!

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