Page 41 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 41

family member with Alzheimer’s, they   Take Care of Your Health      Researchers have developed and are
            may wonder about their family history   Taking care of your physical health may   testing another diet, called MIND, a
            and genetic risk. As many as 5.5 million   help your cognitive health. You can:  combination of the Mediterranean
            Americans age 65 and older live with                                 and DASH (Dietary Approaches to
                                                •  Get recommended
            Alzheimer’s. Many more are expected                                  Stop Hypertension) diets. One study
                                                  health screenings.
            to develop the disease as the population                             suggests that MIND may affect the risk

            ages unless ways to prevent or delay it   •   Manage chronic health problems   of Alzheimer’s disease.
            are found.                            like diabetes, high blood pressure,
                                                  depression, and high cholesterol.  Be Physically Active
            We know that changes in the brain                                    Being physically active through regular
            can occur many years before the first   •   Consult with your healthcare   exercise, household chores, or other
            symptoms of Alzheimer’s appear. Th ese   provider about the medicines you   activities has many benefits. It can help

            early brain changes point to a possible   take and possible side eff ects on   you:
            window of opportunity to prevent or   memory, sleep, and brain function.
            delay debilitating memory loss and other   •   Reduce risk for brain injuries   •   Keep and improve your strength
            symptoms of dementia. While research   due to falls and other accidents.  •   Have more energy
            may identify specific interventions that

                                                •   Limit use of alcohol (some     •   Improve your balance
            will prevent or delay the disease in some
                                                  medicines can be dangerous
            people, it’s likely that many individuals                              •   Prevent or delay heart disease,
                                                  when mixed with alcohol).
            may need a combination of treatments                                     diabetes, and other diseases
            based on their own risk factors.    •   Quit smoking, if you smoke.
                                                                                   •   Perk up your mood and
            Maintaining healthy brains and      •   Get enough sleep, generally      reduce depression
            cognitive health in older adults      7-8 hours each night.
                                                                                 Studies link ongoing physical activity
            Cognitive health is the ability to clearly   Eat Healthy Foods       with benefits for the brain, too. In one

            think, learn, and remember and is an   A healthy diet can help reduce the risk   study, exercise stimulated the human
            important component of brain health.   of many chronic diseases, such as heart   brain’s ability to maintain old network
            Others include:                    disease or diabetes. It may also help keep   connections and make new ones that are
              •   Motor function—how well you   your brain healthy.              vital to cognitive health. Other studies
               make and control movements                                        have shown that exercise increased the
                                               In general, a healthy diet consists of   size of a brain structure important to
              •  Emotional function—how        fruits and vegetables; whole grains; lean   memory and learning, improving spatial
               well you interpret and          meats, fi sh, and poultry; and low-fat or   memory.
               respond to emotions             non-fat dairy products. You should also
              •   Sensory function—how well you   limit solid fats, sugar, and salt. Be sure to   Aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking,
               feel and respond to sensations   control portion sizes and drink enough   is thought to be more beneficial to
               of touch, including pressure,   water and other fl uids.           cognitive health than non-aerobic
               pain, and temperature           Researchers are looking at whether     ADULT CARE
                                               a healthy diet can help preserve
            This guide focuses on cognitive
            health and what you can do to help   cognitive function or reduce the risk     Mid-Shore
            maintain it. The following steps can   of Alzheimer’s. For example, there is   Residential Care
            help you function every day and stay   some evidence that people who eat a
            independent, and they have been linked   “Mediterranean diet” have a lower risk of
            to cognitive health, too.          developing mild cognitive impairment.    Compassionate Care in
                                                                                       Your Home for 24 Years
                            “Simply, Peacefully, Together”
                                                                                          CNA’s • Sitters
              RIDGELY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN                                             RN Evaluations
                                                                                         Meal Preparation
                                      110 Park Ave., Ridgely, MD                        Home Health Aids
                                                                                       Residential Cleaning
                              Church 410-634-1103  |  410-714-1167
                                                                                     INDIVIDUAL SERVICES
                                Sunday School 9:30 AM (for all ages)               Lic.#R922
                                     Worship Service at 10:30 AM                          410-820-1131

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