Page 42 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 42
Deck the Halls seniors are at a particularly high risk for Senior tree on display now through
isolation,” said Ben Marchi, owner of the Dec. 10. Each tree will be decorated
for a Deserving Easton Home Instead offi ce. “Be a Santa with ornaments featuring seniors’ fi rst
to a Senior shows the older adults in names and gift suggestions. Holiday
Senior our community that they are valued and shoppers can choose an ornament, buy
thought of during the holidays.” the requested gift and return it wrapped
to the store with the ornament attached.
As isolation continues to impact local This year, Home Instead is partnering A complete list of the more than 25 tree
seniors, Home Instead of Easton renews with more than 50 local businesses, locations in the area can be found at
the important “Be a Santa to a Senior® organizations and nonprofits to provide
program promising another season of gifts to approximately 900 seniors in
holiday cheer. the area. “A small act of kindness can make a
big difference. And a heartfelt gift
Be A Santa to a Senior supports older With the continued safety of seniors, brightens the lives of older adults who
adults who may be overlooked, isolated donors and volunteers top of mind, may feel alone during the season,” said
or alone during the holiday season. Th is the community can participate in this Ben Marchi. “Finding ways to care and
is the 17th year for the local program year’s program in a number of ways. support one another is important now
that gives back to older adults and Members of the community can visit more than ever and we are grateful for
reminds them they are cherished by and enter their the community’s involvement every
our community. The gifts collected, zip code to view Wish Lists for local year.”
which are often necessity items such as seniors on Amazon Business through
toiletries, clothing, and blankets, make a Dec. 10. A personalized greeting can Since the program’s inception 18 years
big impact and help area seniors combat be included with the gift which will ago, Be a Santa to a Senior has helped
the holiday blues. be shipped directly to the senior. provide more than 2 million gifts to over
Individuals can also visit one of the 750,000 seniors in North America and
“We’ve all experienced feelings of participating locations throughout the attracted upwards of 65,000 volunteers.
loneliness during the pandemic, and
area and look for the Be a Santa to a
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