Page 46 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 46
Compass Reaches medical and mental health concerns, team has gone the extra mile to ensure
and knowledge to assist veterans in navi- our veterans get all the unique services
New Level of gating VA (Veterans Affairs) benefits. they need at the end of life. It is also
National Veterans We honor our patient veterans with amazing to partner with so many local
a special pinning ceremony which organizations that also service our veter-
Program consists of a pin, certificate, flag, and ans so we can serve them together.
red, white, and blue handmade lap blan-
NHPCO and the Department of Veter-
Compass delivers Veteran-centric ket. Before Covid-19 we would have ans Affairs launched We Honor Veterans
care to the community as a We veterans, volunteers and staff attend in 2010 to address the growing need
but during Covid-19 it has been the
Honor Veterans partner for Veteran-centered care, especially as
nurses and social workers who have
veterans from different eras are aging
kept our program going by honoring
We Honor Veterans is proud to our veterans. Veteran Cafes that meet and need access to Veteran-centric
announce it is now a Level 5 Partner quarterly, Veteran to Veteran, last month palliative and hospice care. Learn more
with We Honor Veterans, a program we watched and discussed a Ted Talk about the We Honor Veterans program
of the National Hospice and Palliative about actor Adam Driver. Did you know at
Care Organization. The progression to he served his country as a Marine and is Learn more about the programs and
this new level demonstrates an elevated still at heart, always a Marine. We held services Compass offers at our web site
level of commitment to Veteran-centric meetings with local clergy and commu-
care in the community. nity members to raise awareness about
veteran suicide through a program
As a partner, We Honor Veterans is
called S.A.V.E.
providing specialized care to veterans
who are facing a serious illness. This As the CEO at Compass, it is an honor
includes a Veteran-to-Veteran volunteer and a privilege to work so closely with
program, training on confl ict-specifi c our veterans and their families. Our
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