Page 50 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 50

County. There will be a Preview Party

                                                                                  on December 3rd from 6-9 PM featuring
                                                                                  heavy hor d’oeurves and cocktails,
                                                                                  and tree viewing and bidding is open
                                                                                  to the public December 4th & 5th.
                                                                                  Preview Party tickets are $40/person.
                                                                                  For more information about donating
                                                                                  a tree or attending, contact Kenda
                                                                                  Leager: 443-262-4106 or kleager@

                                                                                  SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4
                                                                                  Preston Historical Society will hosts
                                                                                  its 8th  Annual Christmas Open
                                                                                  House from 10 AM to 2 PM, at Preston
                                                                                  Historical Society Museum, located at
                                                                                  167 Main Street in Preston. Th is year’s
                                                                                  open house theme is “An Old Fashion
                                                                                  Christmas.” There will be a visit from

                                                                                  Santa Claus with the opportunity to
                                                                                  have your picture taken with Santa in
                                                                                  the front parlor of the home to Preston
                                                                                  Historical Society, the 1833 Noble
                                                                                  House. Live musical performances will
                                                                                  take place throughout the day, baked
                                                                                  goods will be available for purchase, and

                                                                                  Preston Coffee Company will be onsite
                                                                                  selling coffee and hot chocolate. For
                                                                                  more information call 410-924-9080 or
                                                                                  Toy Bingo at the Cordova Firehall.
                                                                                  Doors open at Noon and games begin
                                                                                  a 1 PM. Cost is $15 in advance or $20 at
                                                                                  the door. Children ages 13 & under must

                                                                                  be with an adult. There is limited seating
                                                                                  so for ticket information and purchase,
            THROUGH DECEMBER 18                Courthouse Green and enjoy a holiday   call Jeanie at 410-829-7214 or Karen
            200 Years Of Solid Color Quilts: 1800   musical performance. Find out more   at 410-829-7213. Refreshments will be
            – 2000 Exhibit. The Fiber Arts Center   here.                         available for purchase.

            of the Eastern Shore (FACES) invites   FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3             Get into the holiday spirit at Ridgely’s
            you to their latest exhibit. Solid colors                             Christmas Parade followed by a visit
                                               Friday Nite Dinner at Denton
            simplify design and clarify pattern and                               with Santa at the Ridgely Train Station!
                                               American Legion Post #29,  9238
            needlework. They draw attention to                                    The parade begins at Martin Sutton Park

                                               Legion Road, 5-7 PM. Meatball Sub
            regional and international styles and to                              at 6:45 PM and ends at the Ridgely Train
                                               dinner for $8. Entertainment is George
            changing tastes. Don’t miss this striking                             Station on West Railroad Avenue for
                                               Garris on guitar from 7-11 PM.  Info.
            exhibit, on view through the end of the                               pictures with Santa (bring your camera!)
            year. Find out more at FiberArtsCenter.                               and refreshments.
            com. FACES, 7 N. 4th Street, Denton.   DECEMBER 3  DECEMBER 5
            Wednesday – Saturdays: Noon – 4 PM.  The Festival of Trees to benefit   SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5
            THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2               Compass in Caroline County returns   Come join the fun at the Marydel
                                               this year for a weekend of holiday magic!   Christmas Parade at 2 PM. Santa will
            Denton Holiday Parade & Lighting Of

                                               The event will take place at the Towers   be at the fi rehall after the parade! Th ere

            Th e Green, 6- 8 PM. Get into the holiday
                                               Family Historical Museum, 26299    will also be a letter box to send Santa a
            spirit with marching bands, Santa and
                                               Sennett Road, Denton, and proceeds   Christmas Wish List as well as goodies
            the best of the season. Following the
                                               will benefit hospice care, supportive care   for the children.

            parade, watch the illumination of the
                                               and grief support services in Caroline
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